>The Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019 (P.L. 116-121) changes the duration of GSA’s transition services from 180 days to 60 days after Inauguration Day.
>Lastly, the Act requires that if there is a transition, the eligible candidate will implement and enforce an ethics plan to guide the conduct of a transition beginning on the date on which the candidate becomes the President-elect.

https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/394/text?q={%22search%22:[%22Feb%2011%202021%22,%22President%20pro%20tempore %22,%22Homeland%20security%20and%20governmental%20 affaira%22,%22President%20pro%20tempore%22,%22Home land%20security%20and%20governmental%20affaira%22]}&s=2&r=15&overview=closed

(B) CONTENTS.—The ethics plan shall include, at a minimum—
‘(i) a description of the ethics requirements that will apply to all members of the transition team, including any specific requirement for transition team members who will have access to nonpublic or classified information;
(II) prohibit a transition team member with conflicts of interest similar to those applicable to Federal employees under section 2635.402(a) and section 2635.502(a) of title 5, Code of Federal Regu-lations, related to current or former employment, affiliations, clients, or investments, from working on particular matters involving specific parties that affect the interests of such member; and ‘‘(III) address how the covered eligible can-didate will address his or her own conflicts of interest during a Presidential term if the covered eligible candidate becomes the President-elect;
>‘(C) PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.—The transition team shall make the ethics plan described in this paragraph publicly available on the internet website of the General Services-
Who can find Biden's ethics plan?

Transition team members will avoid both actual and apparent conflicts of interest. More specifically, Transition team members may not participate in any particular Transition matter that they know may directly conflict with a financial interest of the member, an immediate family member, partner, client or other individual or organization with whichthe member has or has had a business relationship within the past 12 months. Even if there is no direct conflict, a team member will bring to the General Counsel’s attention any potential for the appearance of a conflict. An appearance of a conflict exists whenthe circumstances are such that a reasonable person would question the impartiality of a Transition team member or conclude that that member's work on a particular matter would undermine public confidence in the Transition Team.
(At this point the reader should be reminded that nearly all of Biden's picks have these exact conflicts of interest)