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The console is now up for pre-order on Amazon for £49.99. Which really isn’t bad at all. The 30 games alone would be over £100 if bought for the Wii or Wii U Virtual Console, and that doesn’t include the cost of the device or the controller.

Original story:

There will be a new Nintendo console out this year, but not the successor to the Wii U. Instead it’s a 30-in-1 palm-sized version of the NES.

The Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES to its friends) is making a comeback, as a new ‘Classic Mini’ version of Nintendo’s first console is announced for November 11.

Originally released in the UK in 1986, the NES is regarded as the most important 8-bit format of the ‘80s in North America and Japan – even if it’s tardy release in Europe meant it didn’t make quite as much impact here.

As you can see, the new version fits in the palm of your hand and seems to be following the same basic idea as previous micro-consoles for the Mega Drive, Atari 2600, and other retro formats. The games appear in their original form but you will be able to save your progress at multiple points, so you never have to worry about passwords or starting from scratch if you die.

Now that’s a Christmas present

Nintendo’s version seems to be pretty high quality, and plugs directly into the HDMI socket of your TV. The downside is you only get one controller and have to buy another separately – although you can use them with a Wii or Wii U, to play Virtual Console games.

We’re seriously impressed by the collection of games though, which includes third party titles as well as Nintendo’s own. The full list is below, and not only do you get the very earliest Super Mario Bros., The Legend Of Zelda, and Metroid games but also the first Final Fantasy, the first two Castlevanias, the original Ninja Gaiden, and fan favourite Mega Man 2.

In terms of concentrated retro goodness, it’s one of the best things we’ve ever seen. We just hope it’s priced reasonably, but Nintendo aren’t allowed to set their own prices in Europe (don’t ask) so we’ll have to wait and see till it goes up on Amazon and the like.

Balloon Fight (Nintendo)
Bubble Bobble (Taito)
Castlevania (Konami)
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (Konami)
Donkey Kong (Nintendo)
Donkey Kong Jr. (Nintendo)
Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Arc Systems Works)
Dr. Mario (Nintendo)
Excitebike (Nintendo)
Final Fantasy (Square Enix)
Galaga (Taito)
Ghosts ‘N Goblins (Capcom)
Gradius (Konami)
Ice Climber (Nintendo)
Kid Icarus (Nintendo)
Kirby’s Adventure (Nintendo)
Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
Mega Man 2 (Capcom)
Metroid (Nintendo)
Ninja Gaiden, aka Shadow Warriors (Koei Tecmo)
Pac-Man (Bandai Namco)
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (Nintendo)
StarTropics (Nintendo)
Super C, aka Probotector II (Konami)
Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo)
Tecmo Bowl (Koei Tecmo)
The Legend Of Zelda (Nintendo)
Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link (Nintendo)