Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
Even Georgiou is getting annoying and not making sense. Oh, you're the emperor of an evil mirror galaxy and disguised as a dead (and respected) Terran captain working for a super secret Star Fleet division? Don't worry, I know but I won't tell anyone. What?

And putting Ash in a black suit and giving him a job with the mysterious division doesn't change the fact he's about as menacing as a wet piece of lettuce. I swear, he has this constant look like a dog that didn't something bad and got caught. Gay Klingon Hipster.

And all of that spore 'science' and the storyline with having to find Tilly is classic Discovery. Interesting sets and visuals coupled with plotlines so stupid it breaks any immersion that may have existed.
Yeah, I'm over her and that whole Section 31 BS now. And for a super secret division, they sure do flash that special insignia badge around a lot and everyone seems to know what it means.