It's like Blackberry knew I was thinking of leaving and decided to throw shit at me on the way out the door

I ordered my dad a Blackberry Playbook wehn they went on sale for $200 on November 24th. They emailed me my confirmation, everything was good. They told me a short while later I should please wait an extra 5 days due to businesses around the sale

TODAY, a month later, they emailed for no reason saying "Your order has been cancelled." It's a fucking WEEK until Christmas. I tried to call right away and got disconnected after 20 minutes on hold. My email response to the cancellation notice just told me to call.

Basically I'm fucked, the thing isn't on sale anymore. Looking around on the internet HUNDREDS of people had their order cancelled by The BB forums are pissed. It's not even RIM's company, it's owned by Global somethingorother.

But I'm still holding those shit nuggets to this. I'm livid. My dad is a serial present returner but this he wanted and would have loved.

I'm going to call my Cell phone provider next week and ask if they'll give me credit towards a new phone. Blackberry just lost me.

Question though: Can I do anything? BBB complaint, or something like that? Honestly, I'm stumped. Never been treated this badly by a company