By William Hicks - Heat Street

Love it or hate, the next four years will be all Trump all the time. Who can we thank/harass on social media for this bewildering turn of events?

All signs point to Taylor Swift, who is being way too secretive about her role in the election. Yeah, she said on Instagram that she voted, but for whom? And why did she not spend every waking hour campaigning for Hillary like more woke Heat Street favorite Lena Dunham?

Obviously Taylor Swift is to blame for Trump. She has millions of white women fans, and 53% of white women voted for Donald. So we can only logically ascertain that every drop of blood Trump spills falls directly onto Taylor’s hands.

And the people of Twitter agree.

Now that we know she is literally a monster, the question remains: whom did she actually vote for?

The Internet is whirling with conspiracies. Some say she once wrote “Republicans do it better” on MySpace over 10 years ago. She also was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in Tennessee, two states which probably by no coincidence voted for Trump.

A Racked writer floated a theory that the sweater Taylor wore out voting was an indicator she was voting for Clinton. The strapless black sweater is a nod to a younger picture of Hillary.

Today is the day. Go out and VOTE 🇺🇸

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

(Ignore Lena Dunham on the left)

But that theory is obviously ridiculous.

If you want to find the real truth of Taylor Swift’s politics, you must go to 4chan. The degenerates on 4chan/pol/ treat Taylor as a cryptofascist aryan goddess, some kind of white savior in their perverted alt right ideology.

While Taylor Swift is probably not a Nazi, there is evidence she is a regular poster on 4chan’s /b/ board.

This collage of posts point to various incidences where 4chan posts lined up with Taylor’s IRL activities.

So, sure, the /b/ board perhaps has different politics than /pol/, but are we ready to discount the 4chan influence on her voting habits? Years of browsing the forum had to have “redpilled” her irreparably.

So I’d say the evidence is pretty damning, her silence on endorsing Hillary Clinton was a Machiavellian play to get Trump in office.

Judge for yourself, but Taylor Swift may have single handedly decided the outcome of the 2016 election.