Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
Completely missed it/didn't care about that I guess

Speaking of plot twists do you remember the woman Admiral who I think was captured along with Lorca by the Klingons? Didn't Lorca just leave her somewhere for dead last season and we never saw her again?

She was just on a couple of episodes ago like nothing happened. I think she was in a scene with the Section 31 people
It was on the bridge of the Section 31 ship, when Giorgiou was talking to Leland after Burnham and Spock "escaped". She told him to mind his manners or something and that he wasn't calling the shots anymore because she would let out the fact that he was responsible of the death of Burnham's parents.

And I do think that Lorca left her for dead, but I think she was rescued from whatever he did. Not 100% for sure, but I knew she wasn't dead.