I have been mildly interested in what happens as companies, especially in the retail upheaval, go through bankruptcy. I have my own example, but there are a lot.

I dollar cost averaged down to $0.26 on JCP (now JCPNQ). They got past the first debt round, so far so good. Then something fascinating. The stock would go through some repetitive cycles. Down to $0.16 back to $0.25 (up 50% in a day). Rinse repeat. The day traders appeared to be having a field day. I held my position and watched. Then AMZ got involved. Then Sycamore partners. Bidding war coming? Not sure. Key hearing tomorrow in court (I hear), but today may bode well. The stock soared ahead of the hearing up to $0.63. I am now up 137% in 3 months. Still holding and deciding how long to ride this ride.

There are a ton of risky retail penny stocks in play. Some will be huge wins, some not. It's interesting to watch, but there's money to be made even on small positions like mine.