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Thread: Russian military vehicles roll through outskirts of Donetsk after Putin orders troops into Ukraine

  1. #286
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    "A representative of Putin’s inner-circle sent a signal to the West about the desire to negotiate,"
    OK, here's the terms: Putin can immediately pull all troops out of Ukraine. In return we will let him claim "victory" in defeating the "nazis" to save face.

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    Putin 'wiping out UK with missiles' quickest way to win Ukraine war, Kremlin chief warns

    By Will Stewart, Russia Correspondent & Leigh Mcmanus - The Daily Star

    A frustrated Russian commander impatient with Russia's lack of progress in thwarting Ukrainian resistance has said Vladimir Putin should pummel the UK with hypersonic missiles - eliminating a strong ally for Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    Military commander and MP Andrey Gurulev appeared on Kremlin state TV and said hypersonic missile strikes should be used to “wipe out the British Isles”.

    The lieutenant general, who served as a Russian tank commander, said that rather than leading to full-scale world war, this would halt the Ukrainian conflict and bring victory to Putin.

    “London understands there is no defence against [Russian] hypersonic missiles,” he told viewers.

    “They understand, too, that the main target isn’t Germany or France - but the British Isles.

    “It is the closest target, it’s a nice target, which would allow [us] to change the outcome of this conflict [in Ukraine].

    “So by completely wiping out the British Isles I think we’ll finish this story.”

    By specifying the British Isles, he included Ireland which has been neutral since the 1930s.

    He claimed that carpet bombing by Zircon [Tsirkon] missiles would reduce the UK to Third World status.

    He said the West would cease supporting Ukraine, which would then buckle to Putin “because no-one will have a desire to do anything”.

    The Russian Satan-2 Missile, which can reach the UK in three minutes

    “The hypersonic weapon has an extraordinary destructive power, near-equivalent to a nuclear weapon - and is precise, too,” said Gurulev, a member of the Russian parliament’s defence committee.

    He claimed that the RAF had “decentralised” its warplanes to different locations, fearing a possible attack.

    “They realise the number of currently deployed missiles allows destruction of the UK’s entire aviation grouping,” he told Russian viewers.

    He was asked by Ruslan Ostashko, Channel 1 presenter, whether Britain was currently preparing for war with Russia.

    “Yes - they are preparing for the war with us,” Gurulev, 54, replied.

    “The whole situation is not about Ukraine.

    “We are not fighting Ukraine, we are fighting our British ‘friends’ and [the USA]."

    He said that within 50 missiles "there is not a single power station left in the UK," while the "entire port infrastructure is gone" if another 50 were fired.

    “One more - and we forget about the British Isles," he added ominously.

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    Whore mouths will flap

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    Russian lawmaker warns Poland is next in line for 'denazification after Ukraine'

    By Greg Norman | Fox News

    A Russian lawmaker is warning Friday that recent comments from Poland’s leaders are encouraging Moscow to "put it in first place in the queue for denazification after Ukraine."

    Russian State Duma Deputy Oleg Morozov, using language Russia has sought to justify its bloody invasion of Ukraine, made the remark on his Telegram page, according to Russian state media.

    "By its statements about Russia as a 'cancer tumor' and about the 'indemnity' that we must pay to Ukraine, Poland encourages us to put it in first place in the queue for denazification after Ukraine," Morozov reportedly wrote.

    On Tuesday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote a column for the Telegraph criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin and the propaganda he is spreading about the war in Ukraine.

    "Putin’s ‘Russkiy Mir’ ideology is the equivalent of 20th-century communism and Nazism. It is an ideology through which Russia justifies invented rights and privileges for its country," Morawiecki said. "In the name of this ideology Mariupol and dozens of Ukrainian cities were razed as it sent Russian soldiers to war, convinced them of their superiority, and encouraged them to commit inhuman war crimes – the murder, rape and torture of innocent civilians."

    "We cannot be under any illusions. This is not insanity but a deliberate strategy that has already opened the gates to genocide. ‘Russkiy Mir’ is a cancer which is consuming not only the majority of Russian society, but also poses a deadly threat to the whole of Europe," he added. "Therefore it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military struggle with Russia. We must root out this monstrous new ideology entirely."

    In recent comments published by the Russian Pravda website, Polish President Andrzej Duda said "we deeply believe that the international community... will force Russia to pay an indemnity simply to restore what was destroyed in Ukraine."

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has lasted 79 days.

  6. #291
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    If Russia invades Poland, NATO steps in and they're done.

    Warning: The posts of this forum member may contain trigger language which may be considered offensive to some.

    Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it.

  7. #292
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    Lol. They can't even handle pissy Ukraine.

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    US says Russia purchasing rockets, artillery shells from North Korea

    By Landon Mion | Fox News

    The Russian Ministry of Defense is reportedly in the process of buying millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea to support its continued war on Ukraine, according to new U.S. intelligence.

    A U.S. official said Monday that Russia looking to the isolated state of North Korea shows that the Russian military "continues to suffer from severe supply shortages in Ukraine, due in part to export controls and sanctions."

    U.S. intelligence officials said Russia may later try to purchase more military equipment from North Korea.

    This comes after the Biden administration announced that the Russian military received Iranian drones in August for its invasion of Ukraine. But last week, the White House said Russia has endured technical problems with the Iranian-manufactured drones.

    Russia had picked up Mohajer-6 and Shahed-series unmanned aerial vehicles last month.

    North Korea has looked to increase Russian relations as many European and Western nations have distanced themselves from Moscow. The North has placed the blame on the U.S. for the war in Ukraine and claimed the West's "hegemonic policy" has justified Russia's military action in Ukraine, saying it is protecting itself.

    Russia and Syria were joined by North Korea in July as the only countries to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    The North supplying arms to Russia would violate U.N. resolutions banning it from exporting or importing weapons through other countries.

    As North Korea is planning to export military equipment to Russia, the Biden administration has become increasingly concerned about the North and its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

    The country has tested more than 30 ballistic missiles so far this year, including its first launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles since 2017. This, as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attempts to ramp up his nuclear arsenal despite U.S.-led pressure and sanctions.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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    Ukrainian hackers created fake profiles of attractive women to trick Russian soldiers into sharing their location, report says. Days later, the base was blown up.

    Sophia Ankel - Business Insider

    Ukrainian hackers set up fake accounts of attractive women to trick Russian soldiers into sending them photos, which they located and passed to the Ukrainian military, the Financial Times reported.

    Nikita Knysh, a 30-year-old IT professional from Kharkiv, told the FT that when Russia's invasion began in February this year, he wanted to use his hacking skills to help his country.

    He recruited other hackers and founded a group nicknamed Hackyourmom, which now consists of 30 hackers from across the country, he told the FT.

    Last month, he said they duped Russian soldiers in Melitopol by creating fake accounts and pretending to be attractive women on several social media platforms, including Telegram.

    The hackers were able to get to know Russian soldiers and ultimately convince them to send photos of them on the front, Knysh told the FT.

    "The Russians, they always want to fuck," Knysh told the FT. "They send [a] lot of shit to 'girls,' to prove that they are warriors."

    Once the soldiers sent pictures, the hackers were able to identify that they had been taken from a remote Russian military base near occupied Melitopol in southern Ukraine, the FT reported.

    They transferred the information over to Ukraine's military, and several days later the base was attacked, Knysh told the FT

    "My first thought was — I am effective, I can help my country," another team member on Hackyourmom, identified only as Maxim, told the FT. "Then, I realized, I want more of this — I want to find more bases, again and again."

    The Ukrainian online news site Ukrainian Pravda reported last month that there was an explosion at a large Russian military base in Melitopol, citing its mayor, Ivan Fedorov.

    Insider was unable to independently verify the hacker's claims of involvement, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. The FT said Ukrainian officials declined to discuss hackers' roles in the attack on that military base.

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine has prompted an unprecedented cyber war, with hackers on both sides launching attacks.

    At the beginning of the invasion, Ukraine's digital minister asked civilians with "digital talents" to join the country's "IT army."

    During Russia's Victory Day military celebrations in May, major Russian television channels were hacked to display anti-war messages.

    Knysh told the FT that his team had participated in other hacks, including leaking the databases of Russian military contractors and tricking Russian TV stations into playing news clips about Ukrainian civilian casualties.

    "For me, this felt like combat," Knysh told the FT. "With no money, with no brilliant software, and even no brilliant hacks — you can use fraudsters, the dark web against your enemy."

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    Putin initiates conscription to bolster military invasion as Ukraine mounts counteroffensive

    Putin initiates conscription to bolster military invasion as Ukraine mounts counteroffensive

    Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization in Russia, which will require citizens to join the war effort in Ukraine. He also warned Western nations not to attack Russia's territories, which would be met with swift retaliation.

    Putin’s address on Wednesday comes as Russia’s invasion reaches nearly seven months and amid a successful counter-offensive by Ukraine’s military.

    Conscription is "fully adequate to the threats we face, namely to protect our homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories," he said.

    "We are talking about partial mobilization, that is, only citizens who are currently in the reserve will be subject to conscription, and above all, those who served in the armed forces have a certain military specialty and relevant experience," Putin said.

    Putin’s partial mobilization is set to start on Wednesday.

    The statement also comes one day after Russia announced it intends to hold elections in Russian-controlled regions in eastern and southern Ukraine. This would allow these regions to join Russia. Such elections would undoubtedly escalate the war.

    Putin has threatened the West not to interfere. He also discouraged them from "nuclear blackmail" or using nukes against Russia.

    "To those who allow themselves such statements regarding Russia, I want to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and for separate components and more modern than those of NATO countries and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to protect Russia and our people, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal," Putin said.

    "It’s not a bluff," the Russian president added.

    The referendums are set to start Friday in the Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions.

    Should these regions successfully vote to join Russia, the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council said it would enable his country to use "any means" to defend them. Such a vote to join Russia is also seen as "irreversible," Dmitry Medvedev added.

    On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned these efforts and said such votes amount to just "noise."

    "The situation on the front line clearly indicates that the initiative belongs to Ukraine," he said. "Our positions do not change because of the noise or any announcements somewhere. And we enjoy the full support of our partners in this."

    The referendum votes, which were also dismissed by Western leaders, are expected to go in Russia's favor.

    "I thank all friends and partners of Ukraine for today’s mass principled firm condemnation of Russia’s attempts to stage new sham referenda," Zelenskyy said.

    US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink said the "sham referenda and mobilization are signs of weakness [and] of Russian failure."

    "The United States will never recognize Russia's claim to purportedly annexed Ukrainian territory, and we will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes," she added.

    UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace similarly responded to Putin's comments in a tweet Wednesday.

    "President Putin's breaking of his own promises not to mobilize parts of his population and the illegal annexation of parts of Ukraine, are an admission that his invasion is failing," he said. "He and his Defense Minister have sent tens of thousands of their own citizens to their deaths, ill-equipped and badly led."

    "No amount of threats and propaganda can hide the fact that Ukraine is winning this war, the international community are united and Russia is becoming a global pariah."

    The Defense Ministry also released an intelligence update concerning the ongoing war efforts between Ukraine and Russia.

    "These referendums follow the Russian Duma’s formal recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics on 21 February 2022," the ministry said. "This urgency is likely driven by fears of imminent Ukrainian attack and an expectation of greater security after formally becoming part of Russia."

    "The Russian civilian and military leadership has faced significant pressure over the last two weeks. These new measures have highly likely been brought forwards due to public criticism and mark a further development in Russia’s strategy," it added.

    Several other countries issued statements condemning Putin's statements, including China, Germany, Netherlands, Latvia, and Lithuania.

    A nuclear power plant located in Zaporizhzhia, which has become an urgent concern for the international community amid Russia's provocations, would be firmly under Russia's control following an election to join the country.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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    Russian Media Warns Anyone Who Protests Will Be Drafted Into the Military

    BY KHALEDA RAHMAN - Newsweek

    Russia has reportedly warned that those who protest Vladimir Putin's decision to call up reservists to fight in Ukraine will be drafted into the military.

    Protests are planned to take place across the country on Wednesday evening, opposing Putin's decree to partially mobilize Russia's armed forces.

    Russian media outlets have warned that anyone taking part in "illegal rallies" will be subject to military conscription, according to Samuel Ramani, an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.

    Top Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov shared a post on Telegram outlining the measures.

    It said that all participants in these rallies would be referred to Russia's Internal Affairs Ministry after detention and then drafted.

    "They will check the documents immediately on the spot, identify them, detain them and send them to the Internal Affairs bodies," the post said, according to a Google translation.

    "Then, with the participation of representatives of the military registration and enlistment office, the draft category will be determined. Those who do not immediately fit the first category will be registered for subsequent conscription."

    Pro-Kremlin activist/blogger Ilya Remeslo and website have also said protesters could be drafted.

    In a pre-recorded address that aired on Wednesday morning, Putin announced a partial mobilization aimed at boosting his forces in Ukraine.

    An estimated 300,000 reservists could be called up.

    Putin also said that he was willing to respond to what he described as the West's "nuclear blackmail."

    "If Russia feels its territorial integrity is threatened, we will use all defense methods at our disposal, and this is not a bluff," he said.

    Russia had "lots of weapons to reply," he added.

    The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has described Putin's announcement as a sign of Russia's "failure."

    "Sham referenda and mobilization are signs of weakness, of Russian failure," Bridget A. Brink wrote on Twitter.

    "The United States will never recognize Russia's claim to purportedly annexed Ukrainian territory, and we will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."

    Flights from Russia to Armenia, Turkey and Georgia sold out minutes after Putin's announcement of a partial mobilization, Russian online newspaper Lenta reported.

    The website of Russia's rail network operator also reportedly crashed on Wednesday.

    Russian Railways' web page was down, according to the Down for Everyone or Just Me website.

    Russian Railways has issued a statement denying Russian state media reports that men of military age are required to have certificates showing their military service status before buying tickets.

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    Lol. What a shithole.

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    Mobilised Russians call hotline to ask how to surrender

    Ukrainska Pravda


    Andrii Yusov, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, said that the ministry’s hotline has received many calls from Russians who had recently been called up and who are now asking how to surrender to Ukraine.

    Source: Yusov on the 24/7 national joint newscast

    Quote: "The hotline has received a lot of calls from Russians who were called up recently, and even from some who have even been called up yet. They’re calling and asking ‘What should I do if I get called up? What do I have to do, what’s the right way to surrender?’"

    Details: Yusov said that in light of the recent wave of mobilisation, Russians are lacking in motivation and suffering from low morale.

    Residents of Russian-occupied Crimea and occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are also resorting to comparable actions.

    Yusov added that Russia has run out of people who could be called up in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The only men remaining are either sick or engaged in essential work that is vital to the region’s viability.

    Russian occupation authorities have said that they were planning to form "voluntary" battalions in the occupied territories in southern Ukraine. At the same time, however, Putin and other Russian officials are fearful of arming residents of the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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