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Thread: How can this be conspiracy corner without a 9-11 thread?

  1. #16
    Junior Shelter Dweller daggaz's Avatar
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    So my organic chemistry teacher was Professor Niels Harris, co-author of the nano-thermite paper. He was the best teacher I have ever had and easily one of the most popular professors in the entire science department. He got put on 'early retirement leave due to budget considerations' about a month after his paper went public. Go figure.

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    :molten metal:

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    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    I never understood the conspiracy theory rationale for directed energy weapons, haarp, etc...

    and then I saw that cat 4 hurricane erin, bigger than katrina, headed straight for NYC....and take a 90 degree turn way out (20%? 1/4 way?) in the atlantic in the 8 hours of the towers getting hit and falling.

    what the fuck makes a cat 4 hurricane turn 90 degrees in just a couple hours' time?

  5. #19
    Shelter Dweller PorkChopSandwiches's Avatar
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    In March reported that Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Walter Jones (R-NC), and Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA), along with families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, 2001, urged the president to declassify 28 pages from the 9/11 congressional investigation report, providing more information to the general public.

    On Friday Rep. Massie commented on his Facebook page after giving a press conference:

    “Before we involve ourselves in #Iraq, Congressmen and their constituents need to know more about the events leading up to 9/11. Understanding what enabled this tragedy to occur is fundamental to drafting a strategy for the Middle East.

    That’s why I joined families of 9/11 victims and Congressman Walter Jones and Congressman Stephen Lynch at a press conference to promote the release of 28 classified pages from an official 9/11 report. Based on my reading of the documents, I am confident that making these 28 pages public would not damage our national security.”

    During a press conference Rep Massie said, “As I read it, and we all had our own experience, I had to stop every couple of pages and just sort of try to absorb and try to rearrange my understanding of history. “It challenges you to re-think everything. I think the whole country needs to go through that.”

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    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    sorry mr massie, but when preserving the status quo becomes a matter of "national security," you can pretty well bet on that we're all pretty well fucked.

    I'm sure that 28 pages isnt going to reveal anything TOO mind blowing, it will be a yeah, we already pretty much KNEW THAT, thanks assholes...

    (well, except for all those people out there that found themselves able to believe the commission report...)

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    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    Go ahead and watch...and just try to assert "office fires" brought 7 down. Its a laughable conclusion. I understand the heart based desire to not want to be on the totally wrong side of a situation....but 7 completely betrays the involvement of the government in this. Elevator shaft work in the late was all set up years in advance.

    Buildings simply do NOT fall like this unless it is a controlled demolition...I have never seen anyone get even close to being able to come up with any other rational conclusion.

    If your eyes are only on 1, 2 & pentagon, you miss the whole gleaming spectacular government failure...all because of a handful of dead heroes on flight 93, that single event embedded in this was the lynchpin of the whole uncovering of the operation - if 93 had hit 7 and it went down...I dont know that I would have been able to believe the government was involved. It is literally a smoking barrett .50 of a gunbarrel...

    In controlled demolitions....where milliseconds matter on fuse timings in order that the building collapses the correct way...

    and the big thing that no substantial pieces of 1 or 2 hit #7...(the red lines are where the pieces of steel fell from the structures of 1 & 2)

    The towers collapsed straight down.
    Discounting demolition, they followed the path of most resistance.

    Achieving symmetric collapse -- an engineering feat -- is the objective of controlled demolition.
    Last edited by FBD; 07-21-2014 at 07:00 PM.

  9. #22
    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    Oh, so THAT'S what's in those 28 pages.....

    All of the Chairs of the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 Say It’s “Implausible” that the 9/11 Hijackers Acted Without Government Backing

    although I dont think they specifically say WHICH government(s)...the size and scope of the operation...

    "Indeed, Graham – along with 9/11 Commissioner and former Senator Bob Kerrey – said in sworn declarations that the Saudi government is linked to the 9/11 attacks. "

    Senator Graham, are there elements in this report, which are classified that Americans should know about but can’t?

    SEN. BOB GRAHAM: Yes … I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States.

    I am stunned that we have not done a better job of pursuing that to determine if other terrorists received similar support and, even more important, if the infrastructure of a foreign government assisting terrorists still exists for the current generation of terrorists who are here planning the next plots.

    To me that is an extremely significant issue and most of that information is classified, I think overly-classified. I believe the American people should know the extent of the challenge that we face in terms of foreign government involvement. That would motivate the government to take action.

    [Question]: Are you suggesting that you are convinced that there was a state sponsor behind 9/11?

    SEN. BOB GRAHAM: I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing — although that was part of it — by a sovereign foreign government and that we have been derelict in our duty to track that down, make the further case, or find the evidence that would indicate that that is not true and we can look for other reasons why the terrorists were able to function so effectively in the United States.

    [Question]: Do you think that will ever become public, which countries you’re talking about?

    SEN. BOB GRAHAM: It will become public at some point when it’s turned over to the archives, but that’s 20 or 30 years from now. And, we need to have this information now because it’s relevant to the threat that the people of the United States are facing today.

    "“The best I could say about it is they really botched the job by not really going into the real failures. … At worst, I think the 9/11 Commission Report is treasonous.”"

  10. #23
    Shelter Dweller PorkChopSandwiches's Avatar
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  12. #24
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    Batman video bombing

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    Remember NIST's utter bullshit explanation that thermite could not have been used to take down 1, 2, 7, wouldnt work? And their "proof" was basically putting 400 pounds of thermite in a bag on top of a car , lighting it, and the roof melted a bit - see? Thermite couldnt have taken down the towers, lol....

    how misleading was that fire and you have something else entirely...

    Its still utterly laughable that the commission report was so badly stumped to explain building 7.....that....they just didnt even bother including its demolition in the commission report.
    Last edited by FBD; 09-19-2014 at 03:31 PM.

  15. #27
    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    on the heels of "SEC Pays Unknown Foreign Whistleblower Record $30 Million Award"....looking's more on why 7 was the main target

    SEC & EEOC:
    Attack Delays Investigations

    By Margaret Cronin Fisk
    National Law Journal
    September 17, 2001

    Additional details emerged Friday about the effect of the collapse of 7 World Trade Center on investigations being conducted by the New York offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, both of which were housed in the building.

    The SEC has not quantified the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed. Reuters news service and the Los Angeles Times published reports estimating them at 3,000 to 4,000. They include the agency's major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom.

    The EEOC said documents from about 45 active cases were missing and could not be easily retrieved from any backup system. One of these cases was a sexual harassment charge filed on Sept. 10 against Morgan Stanley, one of the prime corporate victims of the World Trade Center disaster.

    A statement from the commission said that "we are confident that we will not lose any significant investigation or case as a result of the loss of our building in New York. No one whom we have sued or whose conduct we have been investigating should doubt our resolve to continue our pursuit of justice in every such matters."

    But the short-term problems will be immense, said Gregory Joseph of New York's Law Offices of Gregory Joseph.

    "Court papers can largely be reconstituted, but work product has to be reconstructed," he said. "This will cause delays in court and will require significant reduplication of effort." Some data, he added, "won't be recreatable."

    "Ongoing investigations at the New York SEC will be dramatically affected because so much of their work is paper-intensive," said Max Berger of New York's Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann. "This is a disaster for these cases."

    "The SEC will have some difficulty, but the bounce-back will come relatively easily," predicts Harvey Goldschmid, Dwight professor of law at Columbia University and former general counsel of the SEC. "It will throw things off for a period of time, but most of what's important can be regained. They will have to reconstruct these documents. But most of this was backed up or in Washington. They've lost some transcripts but even they're available."

    EEOC Records Destroyed

    The EEOC's New York office, which was housed in 7 World Trade Center, sustained no loss of life. But all the agency's records were destroyed.

    Many of the files are backed up in the computer system, but a substantial number of documents are simply gone, said Spencer Lewis, the EEOC district director. Depositions and notes were not scanned into computers and are lost. With depositions and interviews, the agency will be contacting court reporters "and hoping that they've got them so we can reconstruct files," Lewis said. This covers about 45 active cases, including a recent action against Morgan Stanley.

    But employment litigators believe the effect here, too, will be transitory.

    "The EEOC is decimated as far as office space goes," but any problems are "only short-term," said Michael Weber of the New York office of Littler Mendelson. "They will get back to business." The agencies will be seeking documents from the private law firms and defendants, Weber notes. "My sense is that we will cooperate," he noted. "Our goal is not to take advantage of this catastrophe."

    "A lot of their records they'll have online, so they'll just reprint them out," adds Harkins. "The EEOC is in a better position than the SEC, because the SEC has a lot more confidential files."

  16. #28
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Here's an interesting picture of the WTC towers internal structures...

    The initial impact of a 767 combined with the body and fuel weight of the aircraft, dropped the tower. The plane didn't hit and then continue out the other side...all of the inertial weight went into the side of the building and close to 8000 lbs of jet fuel ignited.

    Since we can't rebuild the towers, age them 28 years and then slam an aircraft into the side, I'm convinced this was not an engineered demolition. It was a structural collapse based on impact force, fuel and office debris burning and additional weight added to an already damaged structure

  17. #29
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    The second plane, easily saw parts of it fly out the other side, an engine included. This was not some flat surface the plane hit, it was kinda like flying a chicken at 170mph into chicken wire as opposed to flat surface impact. All of the inertial weight did not go directly into the side of either building - and even if it splatted like a pancake, that would have done jack shit to the central core.

    If it was so hot, why were people standing in the holes, looking down. Most of the jet fuel burned up in the fireball on impact. That aside, it doesnt explain the molten pools of steel that glowed for weeks in the basement after they dropped em. Add up all those joules and it aint. even. close. Not all the friction, not even if you magically transported all that jet fuel to the basement.

    Do you recall that a design spec/goal of these towers was specifically to be able to withstand what happened on 9/11?

    Until you have (at least somewhat) thoroughly read the architects and engineers for 911 site... you cracka lackin on engineering details.

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    This one's also a little tough to get around - the antenna dropping before the rest of the building.

    how does that happen if the core isnt taken out?

    how does that happen if the point of collapse is asymmetrical in any way?

    you have seen what the core looks like, and only an even takedown of the entire core would produce this phenomena of the antenna falling before the outlying parts of the roof.

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