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Thread: Ebola

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    Survival Ebola


    As Bloomberg reports,

    Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S., died from the virus while in isolation at a Dallas hospital.

    Duncan was diagnosed with the disease on Sept. 30 after contracting it in his native Liberia, where Ebola has infected about 7,500 people, killing half. He had come to the country to marry his girlfriend, Louise Troh, who is now being quarantined and has not yet shown symptoms of the disease.

    "It is with profound sadness and heartfelt disappointment that we must inform you of the death of Thomas Eric Duncan this morning at 7:51 am,” Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital said in a statement today.

    arrived with little to no symptoms 09/23
    admitted 09/30
    died 10/08
    14 days is all it took despite the first world care
    what the fuck are we doing getting involved over there?

    all planned



    As I have reported to you earlier about the BBC claiming, twice, that the very epicenter of the fraudulent and alleged ebola outbreak had/has remained free of ebola “so far,” the BBC now confirms this once again.
    After stumbling on the initial two BBC reports I contacted the BBC Complaints Office through the BBC website in order to get a clarification on the matter, whether or not the epicenter had/has remained ebola-free.
    On September 12, 2014, I received a confirmation from the BBC that my complaint had been received and that case number CAS-2915640-DHS0H4 had been assigned to it and hereby had been opened.

    Eventually, today September 26, 2014, I received the BBC their final response to my complaint and it is quite clear that they do not argue about whether or not the area has/had been free of ebola.
    So, from my point of view and considering all the evidence and findings I have gathered so far, the BBC their reconfirmation in this specific matter shows that indeed the Nzerekore region – the FIRST epicenter – is/was ebola-free.
    For the record, Gueckedou is located in the Nzerekore region of Guinea.

    Liberia has banned all photographs of “Ebola” victims

    Indeed curious if the fkn "epicenter of the outbreak" has no cases of ebola.

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    CDC Suggests "Hermetically Sealed Caskets" For Ebola Victims

    I remember years back when I was still writing for my original website, Neithercorp.us, we came across a then little known video of air tight "coffin liners", hundreds of thousands, stacked in a field in the middle of Madison, Georgia in close proximity to Atlanta and the home of the CDC. We helped break that story which immediately swept through independent media circles. Owners of the property leased to store the hermetically sealing plastic coffins stated that it was the CDC that had rented the land for storage of the coffins. Confirmation from the CDC has not been forthcoming.

    In a story for Yahoo News, the CDC says that in the event of an Ebola outbreak in the U.S., bodies of the deceased would be required to be buried within "hermetically sealed caskets", which would prevent the escape of microbes during funerals. An administrator of the Dallas Institute Of Funeral Service interviewed in the article states that he has never come across any such caskets in his industry, meaning, hermetically sealed coffins are NOT common in the slightest for burial. The CDC coffins in Madison, Georgia, though, ARE designed to prevent spread of infection. In fact, the patent for these coffins confirms that they are meant for the burial or cremation of bodies exposed to infectious diseases.

    This would suggest that the CDC has stockpiled such coffins in places like Madison, Georgia specifically in preparation for a viral outbreak. Meaning, the CDC has been expecting the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans due to infection for at least the past six years.

    Acts of nature are not things that the common man can easily rebel against. People rebel against governments and corrupt despots all the time, but not the plague. If a viral pandemic strikes, nearly everything a government does after the fact, no matter how corrupt or destructive, can be rationalized as necessary for the greater good of the greater number. If anyone does rebel, they will be labeled as pure evil, for they are now disrupting the government's ability to stop the pandemic from spreading, and thus, are partly responsible for the mass deaths that follow.

    vid from the guy's report on finding this back in 05 or 06 - these are stated as casket liners, but they are too big to go on the inside of a casket and too small to go around the outside - these things are fkn caskets. they'd fit 3-4-5 people easily. usually lids are rounded....well hey these lids are reinforced and flat...that says one thing and one thing only, they want to be prepared, to stack up and dispose of a shit ton of bodies.

    I dont trust 'em one iota

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    “About four weeks ago, when Ebola started kicking off here in the US, and all of a sudden you started hearing about patients possibly having Ebola and hospitals beginning to test for it… Well a friend of mine that’s a resident at Truman Medical Center, which is where I did my residency at, called me and said, ‘Hey, we got a possible Ebola patient here and he’s bleeding out of all of his…,” Well, I’m not gonna use the language he used but, ‘He’s bleeding out of all of his orifices, he’s in septic shock, hypotensive, high fever, he was visiting Africa, or he was from Africa, and had recently been here in the Kansas City area.

    “And they took care of him in the ICU [Intensive Care Unit]. Of course, there’s not a rapid test so they weren’t sure, but they ordered the test and… they moved him to the ICU and they put him in isolation, from what my friend had told me.

    “The following day he called me back and, cause I told him let me know – I wanted to call your show. I wanted to let people know, ‘Hey we got a case here in Kansas City’ – Well he called me back the next day and said they ‘disappeared’ the patient.

    “I said, ‘What do you mean they ‘disappeared’ him?’

    “He said, ‘The patient’s gone.’

    “They were told he left AMA which means ‘Against Medical Advice.’ But the guy was… he wouldn’t have been able to leave he was in that bad of a shape.

    “I said I’ll look for a ‘John Doe,’ which is a name they use in hospitals in case somebody’s admitted that they don’t know who you are. And there was no ‘John Does’ in the hospital, so the patient disappeared.

    “So, the following day they had a meeting with anybody that had contact with that patient and said that he did not have Ebola, he had malaria.

    “All of a sudden, that’s when we heard that all these other cases in other cities… They were coming back and saying, ‘No, they didn’t have Ebola, they had malaria.’ It seemed like that’s what they were told to tell everybody.

    “Well then we had a second patient at Research Medical Center that was rumored to have, because I have friends there too, and they called me and said we have a possible Ebola patient. That patient disappeared.

    “There’s a patient recently a KU Medical Center, which is just across from the Kansas side, about 20 minutes from here. And that patient, I don’t know what the status of that patient is, but they came out and said that he didn’t have Ebola, he had typhoid.

    “So something very, very strange is going on. And I wouldn’t have thought much about it, but this happened in other areas of the country, not only Kansas City. These patients are disappearing, they’re doing something with the patients and God knows where they’re going.”

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    NYPD Stunner: Cops Exit Ebola Victim Apartment, Dump Gloves, Masks In Sidewalk Trash Can

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    More than 1,100 laboratory incidents involving bacteria, viruses and toxins that pose significant or bioterror risks to people and agriculture were reported to federal regulators during 2008 through 2012, government reports obtained by USA TODAY show.


    In two other incidents, animals were inadvertently infected with contagious diseases that would have posed significant threats to livestock industries if they had spread. One case involved the infection of two animals with hog cholera, a dangerous virus eradicated from the USA in 1978. In another incident, a cow in a disease-free herd next to a research facility studying the bacteria that cause brucellosis, became infected ....

    The issue of lab safety and security has come under increased scrutiny by Congress in recent weeks after a series of high-profile lab blunders at prestigious government labs involving anthrax, bird flu and smallpox virus.


    The new lab incident data indicate mishaps occur regularly at the more than 1,000 labs operated by 324 government, university and private organizations across the country ....

    "More than 200 incidents of loss or release of bioweapons agents from U.S. laboratories are reported each year. This works out to more than four per week," said Richard Ebright, a biosafety expert at Rutgers university in New Jersey, who testified before Congress last month at a hearing about CDC's lab mistakes.

    The only thing unusual about the CDC's recent anthrax and bird flu lab incidents, Ebright said, is that the public found out about them. "The 2014 CDC anthrax event became known to the public only because the number of persons requiring medical evaluation was too high to conceal," he said.

    CDC officials were unavailable for interviews and officials with the select agent program declined to provide additional information. The USDA said in a statement Friday that "all of the information is protected under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002."

    Such secrecy is a barrier to improving lab safety ....

    Gronvall notes that even with redundant systems in high-security labs, there have been lab incidents resulting in the spread of disease to people and animals outside the labs.

    She said a lab accident is considered by many scientists to be the most likely source of the re-emergence in 1977 of an H1N1 flu strain that had disappeared in 1957 because the genetic makeup of the strain hadn't changed as it should have over those decades. A 2009 article in the New England Journal of Medicine noted the 1977 strain was so similar to the one that disappeared that it suggests it had been "preserved" and that the re-emergence was "probably an accidental release from a laboratory source."


    In 2012, CDC staff published an article in the journal Applied Biosafety on select agent theft, loss and releases from 2004 through 2010, documenting 727 reported incidents, 11 lab-acquired infections and one loss of a specimen in transit among more than 3,400 approved shipments.

    The article noted that the number of reports received by CDC likely underestimates the true number of suspected losses and releases.
    Indeed, there have been many accidents involving germ research. For example, the New York Times noted in 2005:

    In 2002, the discovery of lethal anthrax outside a high-security laboratory at the military's premier biodefense laboratory, the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Maryland, led to sampling throughout the institute.

    And the Los Angeles Times reported in 1988:

    The Senate report noted that accidents have occurred in the handling of potentially deadly biological material. Vials of biological warfare agents have been misplaced or spilled, it said, employees have been exposed to deadly toxins and a fire once broke out in the high-containment laboratory of the Army's leading germ warfare facility at Ft. Detrick, Md.

    Researchers are creating some very dangerous bugs. The Frederick News Post - an excellent local newspaper for the community surrounding the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick - reported in 2010 that the facility would eventually aerosolize Ebola:

    Ludwig said researchers at the facility will likely start out working on vaccines for filoviruses such as Ebola and Marburg, as well as new anthrax vaccines.


    The facility will have the capability to produce viruses in aerosolized form that would simulate a potential biological attack on the test animals. Ludwig said aerosol is the means of exposure researchers are most concerned with given its implications to battlefield and homeland defense.

    In an article published last month, [Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health] argued that experiments like Kawaoka's could unleash a catastrophic pandemic if a virus escaped or was intentionally released from a high-security laboratory.


    Many of the groups that create dangerous viruses to understand their workings are funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Lord May [the former president of the Royal Society and one time chief science adviser to the UK government] said he suspected the NIH supported the work because officials there were "incompetent" and believed the justifications that scientists told them. "This is work that shouldn't be done. It's as simple as that," he said.


    The study identifies particular mutations that made the virus spread so easily. But that is not much use for surveillance, said Lipsitch, because there are scores of other mutations that could have the same effect.


    Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, said he feared that governments and funding bodies would only take the risks seriously once an accident had happened. "It's madness, folly. It shows profound lack of respect for the collective decision-making process we've always shown in fighting infections. If society, the intelligent layperson, understood what was going on, they would say 'What the F are you doing?'"
    As the Los Angeles Times pointed out in the 1988 article:

    The Army conducts or contracts for germ warfare work at 120 sites worldwide ..

    The National Journal's Global Security Newswire reported in 2011 that such sites include bioweapon germs such as Anthrax and Ebola in Africa:

    The Obama administration has requested $260 million in fiscal 2012 funding to bolster protective measures at African research sites that house lethal disease agents, the Examiner reported on Sunday (see GSN, April 14).

    The Defense Department funding would be used to safeguard against extremist infiltration facilities in Kenya, Uganda and elsewhere that hold potential biological-weapon agents such as anthrax, Ebola and Rift Valley fever.
    The heads of germ research for the Russian and South African governments both say that they intentionally created more lethal forms of deadly germs such as Ebola.

    Specifically, the former head of Russia's biological weapons program told PBS:

    In the 70s and beginning of 80s the Soviet Union started developing new biological weapons--Marburg infection biological weapon, Ebola infection biological weapon, Machupo infection, [or] Bolivian hemorrhagic biological weapon, and some others.

    The head of South Africa's Apartheid-era biological weapons program also worked on weaponizing Ebola. The New Yorker noted in 2011:

    Dr. Wouter Basson, and the various apartheid-era clandestine weapons programs he oversaw as leader of Project Coast…

    South Africans call him Dr. Death. He is regularly compared by the local press, never very persuasively, to Josef Mengele. . .


    There were revelations of research into a race-specific bacterial weapon; a project to find ways to sterilize the country’s black population ....


    Basson’s scientists were working with anthrax, cholera, salmonella, botulinum, thallium, E. coli, ricin, organophosphates, necrotizing fasciitis, hepatitis A, and H.I.V., as well as nerve gases (Sarin, VX) and the Ebola, Marburg, and Rift Valley hemorrhagic-fever viruses. They were producing crude toxins (and some strange delivery systems) for use by the military and police, and they were genetically engineering extremely dangerous new organisms—creating, that is, biological weapons.

    Top Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out on Ebola

    Washington's Blog spoke with one of America's leading experts on the dangers of research into deadly germs, Dr. Francis Boyle.

    Dr. Boyle wrote the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

    Dr. Boyle served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign.

    WASHINGTON'S BLOG: You said recently that laboratories in West Africa run by the Centers for Disease Control and Tulane University are doing bioweapons research. What documentary evidence do you have of that?

    You mentioned that a map produced by the CDC shows where the laboratories are located on the West Coast of Africa?

    DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: Yes. They've got one in Monrovia [the capital of Ebola-stricken Liberia] ... one in Kenema, Sierra Leone [the third largest city in the Ebola-hotzone nation], which was shut down this summer because the government there believed that it was the Tulane vaccines which had set this whole thing off.

    And then they have another one in Guinea, where the first case [of Ebola] was reported.

    All of these are labs which do this offensive/defensive biowarfare work.

    And Fort Detrick's USAMRIID [the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases] has also been over there. So it's clear what's been going on there.

    CDC has a long history of doing biowarfare work. I have them doing biowarfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone as early 1988.

    WASHINGTON'S BLOG: And how do you know that? Have you seen official documents?

    DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: An official government document: the Biological Defense Research Program, May 1988. I analyzed it in my book, Biowarfare and Terrorism.

    It's clear that [the U.S. bioweapons researchers] were using Liberia to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. And CDC - for years - has been up to its eyeballs in biowarfare work.

    They always try to justify the development of offensive biological weapons by claiming it's being done for "defensive" purposes. That's just a lie ... and it's always been a lie.

    It's been the case on Ebola and just about every other biowarfare agent you can think of.

    WASHINGTON'S BLOG: Does that type of research violate the Biological Weapons Convention?

    DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: Well, of course! It also violates the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act [which Boyle drafted], which was passed unanimously by both houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Bush, Senior.

    That Act creates life in prison for this type of "Dr. Menegle" type work.

    WASHINGTON'S BLOG: And Obama recently said - as quoted in the New York Times article - that he's "curtailing" this type of defensive research, or putting it on hold.

    Do you believe him?

    DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: That's the smoking gun, right there. Read that article [the New York Times article quoted above, which notes "a sudden change of heart by the Obama administration" about labs creating ever-deadlier versions of germs which are already lethal].

    The reason they've stopped it is to cover themselves, I think, because they know that this type of work was behind the outbreak of the [Ebola] pandemic in West Africa.

    But that's an admission right there, de facto.

    _ _ _

    Dr. Boyle made it clear that he is not suggesting - as some others are - that Ebola was intentionally released into the African population. He says he has seen no evidence of intentional release. He's speaking about an accidental release of germs from a biowarfare research lab.

    He's convinced, in fact, that this Ebola epidemic in Africa started with the release from a U.S. bioweapons lab in West Africa. One of the reasons for his conviction that the outbreak started with the release from a bioweapon lab is that this Ebola strain seems to be much worse than those previously seen in the wild.

    As Dr. Boyle told us:

    It seems to me that [the Ebola epidemic in West Africa] has U.S. biowarfare programs written all over it.

    While the good doctor may see no immediate evidence of a purposeful release, I most certainly would not put it past people that had no problem doing 9/11, oklahoma city, boston...
    Last edited by FBD; 10-24-2014 at 03:59 PM.

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    President Barack Obama has received a torrent of criticism for dispatching U.S. troops and National Guardsmen to the Ebola-ravaged West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to help control the spread of the highly-lethal Ebola-Zaire hemorrhagic virus. While Cuba has sent qualified doctors to the stricken region, Obama has responded with troops answering to the U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Evidence has recently surfaced in a 2009 U.S. embassy Berlin cable to the U.S. State and Defense Departments that German authorities hesitated to send hemorrhagic fever cultures to the suspected biological warfare laboratory at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland because the Germans feared the Army might “weaponize” the cultures.

    The cable, classified as “Sensitive”, is dated December 15, 2009 and states:

    “German MFA [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] Deputy Head of Division for Export Control Markus Klinger provided the following non-paper to Econoff [Embassy Economics Officer], seeking additional assurances related to a proposed export of extremely dangerous pathogens to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases. The Army’s end use certificate provided to Germany is lacking an official seal. Klinger’s deputy, Nancy Reck, noted that Germany had made two follow-up requests to the Army seeking assurances and clarifications related to this proposed export. The GOG [Government of Germany] seeks assurances from the USG [US Government] or US Army that the end use certificate and the information contained therein are legitimate and accurate”.

    The “non-paper” reference is to an “aide-memoire”, what is known in the diplomatic world as a note without an author, source, or title that is used to prepare for negotiations. The following “non-paper”, which was originally written in German, was translated by the embassy and sent to Washington:

    “For Official Use Only

    Against the background of our partnership in the area of non-proliferation and our excellent cooperation in the matters of export controls, we would like to bring the following issue to the attention of your government.

    A German firm has applied for the approval of the export of 184 genetic elements with nucleic acid sequences of viruses for the production of recombinant viruses. The viruses will be used in optical imaging to identify host factors required for viral replication. The recipient in the USA is, according to the enclosed end use certificate, the Department of the Army ‘US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)’ Fort Detrick, Maryland.

    Specifications in English about the goods, the recipient and end use can be seen from the end use certificate. The goods are controlled by the Australia Group and are subject to compulsory export approval (List position C1C353A). This matter concerns the complete genome of viruses such as the Zaire Ebola virus, the Lake Victoria Marburg virus, the Machupo virus and the Lassa virus, which are absolutely among the most dangerous pathogens in the world. The delivery would place the recipient in the position of being able to create replicating recombinant infectious species of these viruses.

    Because of the particular criticality of these goods, the German federal government practices an exceptionally restrictive approval policy for such exports. An approval here can only be issued if an improper end use in association with the development or production of biologic weapons approaches can be foreclosed with a probability approaching certainty. The enclosed end use certificate is on the letterhead of the U.S. Army. The required official seal is missing, however. A decision about the export has not yet been made. Given the foregoing, we would appreciate confirmation that the end use certificate really is from the Department of the Army and of the accuracy of the data contained therein. We look forward to the continuation of our excellent cooperation in matters of non-proliferation and export controls.”

    The German government specifically stated that the ability of Fort Detrick to “create replicating recombinant infectious species” of dangerous hemorrhagic viruses could violate international controls on the export of dangerous weapons of mass destruction that are enforced by the Australia Group of signatories to biological, chemical, and nuclear export treaties.

    The Germans are in a position to be well aware of past U.S. involvement in biological warfare operations, especially in Zaire, where, in 1976, the first major outbreak of the Zaire Ebola virus, referenced by the Germans in their aide-memoire, occurred near the Ebola River in northern Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    In 1976, while the CIA was experimenting with Ebola and HIV in Zaire...

    rest at link

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    Let's be honest about this whole situation. The reason it was brought here was to get people scared into a frenzy. Then they can release the Ebola vaccine and sell it by the ass load.


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    side benefit to pharma companies

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    I'm sure they had NO involvement

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    oh I'm sure there's a revolving door between government research and pharma just like with several other industries

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    Dilly dilly Goofy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PorkChopSandwiches View Post
    Let's be honest about this whole situation. The reason it was brought here was to get people scared into a frenzy. Then they can release the Ebola vaccine and sell it by the ass load.

    Lets be honest, it's time for a cull

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    The thing is with the conspiracies....how much do things need to add up (or not add up at all, where official stories are concerned) for the question to be introduced? They only exist because the tales presented by authorities are clearly implausible.

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    Time will tell Goofy. When they start offering the immunization everywhere then you will know. There was no need to sell it a year ago

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    and when they start enforcing immunization, then you know the door has already swung shut.

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