dingdingding.....you might as well try feeding mustard to a cat, no self described audiophile is going to listen to MP3s....and no halfway intelligent audiophile is going to spend any extra money on a fuggin network cable that makes zero difference in the transmission so long as its got the right amount of twists per unit segment of cable. (i.e. basically the difference between cat3, cat5, and cat6.) your speaker cables and connectivity are one thing, but the network cable is an entirely different segment of the hardware model and will have absolutely zero difference wrt your sound quality, and very likely your network throughput also.

it depends what you're doing, what you need. where are your wires running, what are they running next to, are they next to nothing, or are they next to power supplies that kick out a bunch of juice and are going to saturate ya with EMFs unless you have a good shielded cable?

I was lucky that the yeti left us a spool of really nice belkin mic cable, braided jacket w heavy coating outside, and double twisted pairs inside - you can bet your ass that makes a difference in sound over a cheap wire with a thin jacket and paper around a small ground that isnt even a sheath which provides a lot of cable strength as well as contributes to the shielding.