By Michael Allen - Opposing Views

Comedian Russell Brand normally slams conservatives and Fox News on his "The Trews" videos, but came out against pornography and the film "Fifty Shades Of Grey" in a recent episode.

In the video (below), Brand criticized the commercialization of sex and the film's many licensing products.

Brand cited effects about pornography from a study in the Journal of Adolescent Health, and reflected on his own life:

"I think my own relationship with pornography is kind of the hub of my feelings of inner conflict and doubt. I know that pornography is wrong, but, I shouldn't be looking at it, lots of people that work in it are doing so because of the wrong reasons, desperation, self-doubt. I'm sure there are loads of people who work in pornography, they will go, 'Hey, I love it.' But there's a general feeling, it's there in your core, if you look at pornography that this isn't what's the best thing for me to do and this isn't the best use of my time now."

After citing another study, Brand added:

"Me, pornography is not something that I like. It's something that I have not been able to make a long term commitment to not looking at and it's affected my ability to relate to women, to relate to myself, my own sexuality, my own spirituality."

"...I think what it is, the circuit in the mind that is connected to sexuality moves very, very quickly. The circuit in the mind that is connected to love and compassion is a little bit slower. So if you're constantly bombarded with great waves of filth. It's really difficult to remain connected to truth."

Brand then said he was going to shut his laptop before it caused him more problems.

The Christian blog Pursued By Truth praised Brand, "Wow, basically this video is wisdom from unexpected places. Russell Brand is a man who speaks about the dangers of porn from experience."