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Thread: Germanwings co-pilot wanted to 'destroy the plane,' locked pilot out of cockpit, says prosecutor

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    because your question was ill defined. What goal would a 'coach' or 'manager' have with making a flight attendant perform a 'scripted' call? this was part of a false flag, it is scripted for that very reason. so assuming some fairy tales are true, like a single point of failure causing the entire roof of 7 to collapse symmetrically and entirely falling within milliseconds of itself, ....uh...even then, the question is undefined because "if it was real" then there would be no need to have it scripted, but given that so much else was simple outright lie wrt information presented that day, I mean the same fuggin news station reported 7 fell TWICE before it actually fell...

    you cant just take that in isolation from all the other facts. as if IP spoofing does not exist! cmon! how them phones work, hal? how are the calls routed? you guys look at those big black holes of information and jsut say well, too much for me to determine, and give up your line of questioning!

    enhanced. what else might that sound like? whispered "you did great"...from a short distance away.

    and wrt planting her license....well hey, they never did find black boxes now did they? but they found one of the hijacker's passports!

    what is the goal of doing this, I have already said a few times over. 7 was the main target, having housed singular copies of umpteen SEC investigations, most notably Enron, in which the names of many "protected" people were implicated. 5 had a gold heist from it where certain entities were allowed to get their gold out and the rest were told sorry it all melted away into that giant hole in the ground. pentagon also house singular copies of certain JAG investigations related to some of the SEC stuff. also, the patriot act was already written by 9-11, how else did they have such a large and complex document brought forth so quickly? its all a great heist, 911 was part of the greatest heist and swindle ever. the banks know the endgame is approaching for this massive debt ponzi they've created, and they dont want people getting all Bastille on them as is the case so many times in history where the little plebes find out just how badly their owners are fucking them over.

    Why police state! you didnt see none of this shit happen like this 15, 20, 30 years ago! they know they've jsut about sucked all they can out of it, and the printing machine has gotten to the point where its not really fooling anyone any longer, but people buy based on whispers from the fed just on general principle these days!

    they did 911 to cover up a lot of stuff, you think it was coincidence it just happened to be around the same time the tech bubble had been pricked?!

    and then they blew the housing bubble to absorb the deflating air, and then when that failed, they simply moved all the bad bets off the banks books and onto the balance sheet of the people!!!!

    so back to the german cockpit. yeah, none of us was there.

    but you know what? certain things operate in certain fashions and do certain things when certain events happen. the descriptions of things I pasted are facts about the known behavior of these systems.

    the authorities are telling us things that are inconsistent with known facts.

    what's this theory and conjecture you're speaking of?

    If A, then B. That is a fact. Enter code is punched, beep happens. FACT. Cockpit of A320 louder than average, they picked up his breathing, but not the beeping? The pilot went straight for the axe instead of trying to enter his codes? Why would the official version of the story omit the captain trying however many times to enter his code? Oh, right, because the pilot's code cant be locked out, so the whole fuggin story so many places its not even funny.

    Memory just so happens to be missing from the flight data recorder, which would contradict their story about its descent?

    How hard does one have to try to believe these tall tales. Its like you guys have this preposterously high bar for anything that contradicts the official story, and all an official story needs is that Official stamp on it to have all the credibility in the world.

    When you are handed datum after datum that tell you they lie, cheat, steal, and kill their way through the world. These people meant nothing in comparison to the person who had to be killed so dead they couldnt identify any body parts, they meant no more than the 3000+ murdered by the state security apparatus on 911.
    Last edited by FBD; 03-31-2015 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #17
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    because your question was ill defined

    No, it was straightforward. You (or your news article) brought up the comparison of Cee Cee's phone call. I merely asked what was the underlying goal of going to that extent to fake a phone call from an airplane that crashed.

    Its like you guys have this preposterously high bar...

    No, it's just me asking.

    so assuming some fairy tales are true..
    I try to give your theories as much credence as possible

    And your last paragraphs are exactly what I want to question. I understand the idea of how things 'should work', chain of events, cause and effect etc...

    You're trying to derive a lot of evidence out of a black box recording on an aircraft that is plummeting to the ground at over 400 mph. The tech isn't THX certified and it's possible....that the recording didn't pick up certain things in the chain of events.

    That's what I was referring to when you mentioned the wind in the cockpit obscuring or changing noise...

  3. #18
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    from your own post:

    FACT: The co pilot's breathing was not picked up by the flight recorder because the cockpit is so loud that pilots HAVE TO wear headsets TO GET OVER THE NOISE. If you want to hear the pilot next to you clearly you have to use a headset. The first generation A320 has a cockpit plagued by wind noise that would have made it completely impossible for any recorder to pick up the sound of a man breathing.

    and then you go on to talk about beeps, breathing and other noises that 'should' happen in a certain chain of kinda contradicted your own post at times...

  4. #19
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    and Imma call you U-Haul from now on because you keep getting threads moved

    *laugh, it's a joke dude

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    No, it was straightforward. You (or your news article) brought up the comparison of Cee Cee's phone call. I merely asked what was the underlying goal of going to that extent to fake a phone call from an airplane that crashed.
    Sorry bro, that equates to "if they faked the whole thing, why did they fake this phone call?" Wait, What??? If they faked everything then that necessarily says that this phone call was faked. A white noise generator is very easily made to be "flying background" in audio.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    I try to give your theories as much credence as possible
    I tend to think you think they are remotely possible, but you cant bring yourself to believe in the solidity of certain facts - facts which, for me, provide more than enough logical inconsistency to call the "official" theory into question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    And your last paragraphs are exactly what I want to question. I understand the idea of how things 'should work', chain of events, cause and effect etc...

    You're trying to derive a lot of evidence out of a black box recording on an aircraft that is plummeting to the ground at over 400 mph. The tech isn't THX certified and it's possible....that the recording didn't pick up certain things in the chain of events.

    That's what I was referring to when you mentioned the wind in the cockpit obscuring or changing noise...
    Good, because that is exactly the sort of thing that shows you the Official Theory is a fake one. The fact that a crew member cannot lock a crew member out of the cockpit is one of them. The fact that whenever a code is entered into that keypad, there is a beep, whether it is a successful entry or not, those facts straight out of the A320 literature are things that should generate known events along a timeline. When the story presented to you has different events and none of them include the flow of events of known facts such as this, it chips away at the validity of the Official Theory. Its not a matter of THX resolution, its a matter of certain known events being far louder than certain other events. Those certain other events were not even part of the timeline presented. What is the pilot going to do first thing after he finishes taking a piss? Go enter his code on that keypad to gain access. Beep...? No? Ok, his code didnt work, maybe he typed it wrong? The logical next action would be to type it in again, no? Beep...? Hello? He immediately starts pounding on the door saying let me in? Maybe I messed the code up twice, let me try a third time perhaps? No? No mention of how many times the pilot tried to enter the code at all, but they are quite intent on getting straight to him trying to axe the door...(just like there have been 512 stories about the copilot's suicidal tendencies and mountains of (throwdown) antidepressants "left in his home"

    oh hey, where's that axe located in the plane again? Right there in the passenger compartment, just in case they need to axe down the cockpit door?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    from your own post:

    and then you go on to talk about beeps, breathing and other noises that 'should' happen in a certain chain of kinda contradicted your own post at times...
    no, that's consistent. how many db is average cockpit volume during flight. how many db is average breathing, measured from mic distance away. what is threshold db where the attenuator trips off and opens the mic up - because below that threshold db value it will remain closed, that's part of the gated function of mic headsets like that, below a certain db value they are completely attenuated.

    also please note that, even if the average cockpit spl (sound pressure level) in db was not louder than breathing, both are beneath the threshold where it would trip off the attenuator threshold and start the audio at volume. that right there also tells you that the story is jive turkey bullshit. are we supposed to think he had the damned mic in his mouth doing that prank call heavy breathing? otherwise the gate function is misconfigured and a lot of what is otherwise attenuated will make it into the audio stream. breathing is beneath the threshold for a reason, otherwise the gate would be open the entire flight and would negate the function of the gate in the first place.

    (you remember I'm a recording engineer, yes? )

    so basically what we are being told is that events which do not breach the threshold db value, are being picked up and relayed across the mic'd system, while other events that are far above that db value were not picked up.

    how much more selectively presented and carefully crafted can this story be?

    how the pad plays out

    you think a long loud 30 second beep somehow escapes being recorded, but the slow, rhythmic breathing of a suicidal co pilot gets picked up clearly all the way to the end?

    the bar is where it should be, for me. evidence that goes beyond the bar gets considered as such. half baked theories that leave holes all over and have known facts contradict their veracity also get considered as such.
    Last edited by FBD; 04-02-2015 at 12:52 PM.

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    if the official story is not a tall tale, why expunge all of these reports of the fighter jets following the plane?

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    Remember - I dont *have* to come up with a completely logical and consistent timeline - that is the investigators' job to do. All I have to do is find the gaping fuggin holes in the Official Theory and point them out, take a piss right through the hole - and then say this story is logically inconsistent, is contradicted by known facts and I do not believe it. (that is not my expressed intent from the getgo, its just where lies lead me.) I dont have to explain every last little thing, lest I roam too far into conjecture in some cases, because since our information is necessarily limited, we simply cannot explain everything without breaching into conjecture. Like the Cee Cee call - I dont have to explain every last little bit of that, because building 7 already gave it away so badly that one needs not look any further - but perchance one does, too much stuff in 1...2.....5....pentagon.....that goes way contrary to the Convenience Theory. That's what makes "you did great"...."great"...other evidence already ratted the story out. And just like the dude in boston that supposedly had his legs blown off, its just part of creating a meme for people to believe in, follow, and rally around in certain cases. The Cee Cee call is not sufficient on its own to determine the fraud of 911. It just just another scene in a fictional representation of the day, and having things on the audio like "you did great" just undermines any credibility it might have had.

    All one has to do is point out where the Official Theory of Convenience is logically inconsistent and or impossible - and with a story that's got more holes in it than great gramp's barn that he built in the 1960s, that still stands isnt exactly a hard task, it just requires paying attention to details.

    I only type so much because having governments take over planes and force them into mountains, or detonate big buildings and make up some other story is serious shit. The swindle is serious, and seriously huge, and the more people that wake up and understand this, the better.
    Last edited by FBD; 04-02-2015 at 02:30 PM.

  9. #23
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Remember - I dont *have* to come up with a completely logical and consistent timeline...
    Sure, but if you're the one disputing that an action did not occur, the burden of proof is upon you the moment you say - This strays from the official report of the incident.

    Thanks for the info

    As mentioned I don't think people should take everything told to us at face value, we do need to question things. In the same spirit, questioning or disbelieving everything is a dangerous place to go. There are events in history that are/were innocent of any government or shadowy rich people consortium massaging the story to elicit a certain result. Sometimes ze cigar is just a cigar...

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    true, it does put a certain amount of burden to explain certain things - but those with a little legal expertise note that shooting your opponents story full of holes by way of logical inconsistency doesnt always have to be accompanied by a full story of how the entire thing went down. you dont need to have a rug underneath you in order to pull the rug from underneath someone else, in a manner of speaking. Cee Cee is bubkis in the weighting of evidence, and things that carry only a light or tangential weight in the grand scheme of things dont need to be fully explained and remain in fuzzy territory, a la "great job"...

    ...and where this has happened too many times - my great grump's barn dont have cannon ball sized holes in it - but these logically inconsistent fables sure as hell do.
    so I poke fun at the million contrivances, like look, see! he even researched cockpit security online! he works in the industry and there's a lot of knowledge he has access to, but hey, let me try google everyone knew I was suicidal but I convinced them to let me fly because I'm also secretly a mass murderer too!

    the copilot and the captain were very likely the only two that knew how serious things were from the moment the copilot lost control of the aircraft, although, I'll tell you this, I'm no frequent flier but *every* single beginning of descent, I knew immediately...and to the extent the copilot was calm, he probably knew that he was completely fucked and there was no way for them to take control (this was corrected with what's installed in the a320, whereas a pilot would have been able to fight a bit with the controls in what was originally installed into the boeings that were used on 911 - which was why flight 93 was ditched into the ground, because they could no longer guarantee a precise hit on building 7)....
    I've been trying to look and see if there was a way for, or if it was default behavior, for the cockpit to go into automatic lockdown mode and all codes are irrelevant, once the anti hijack is enabled and the cockpit no longer has control. If that's the case, that would have been why the copilot would have said "sorry, I cant do that"...because he had no way to.

    also, when that protocol is enabled, is cockpit to passenger com affected? he may have been musing to himself. depends on that protocol.
    Last edited by FBD; 04-02-2015 at 04:57 PM.

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    it's off topic and I am reading your stuff on the German plane...


    Did we go to the moon FBD? What's your take on that?

    I don't have a hidden agenda, just have always been curious as to your thoughts on it.

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    and its certainly not out of the realm of possibility for those french pilots to have been told, there is a nuke on board this hijacked airplane, you are to immediately scramble, we have activated the antihijack and are going to immediately crash it so that there is not a nuclear detonation on a major city, you are to make sure it crashes, if not, shoot it down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    it's off topic and I am reading your stuff on the German plane...


    Did we go to the moon FBD? What's your take on that?

    I don't have a hidden agenda, just have always been curious as to your thoughts on it.
    We absolutely went to the moon. That was a live tv feed and millions of people witnessed quite a long length of feed, albeit lagged because of the travel time. The physics were different enough that it would have required preproduction and could not have been performed live. Even if done with varied tape speeds, any of that would have required greater lengths even still, than what was done normally. (and not only that, to have staged this *that* elaborately so as to have the physics play out throughout the entire length consistently....that would have been an utterly amazing technological feat indeed, they couldnt even make people fly realistically in warped timespace in the Matrix, ffs!)

    So basically what was broadcast, could not have been taped, even if they were shooting from a desert. And since the physics clearly showed the different gravity of the moon, there is little question of the authenticity of what millions saw on tv. At normal speeds, there was an order of magnitude at least of available tape lengths, and even if they had somehow devised a way to have spliced, there were no splice markings so have made the time notations correct so as to have a seamless data stream - it was seamless to the millions of viewers on tv. Any slowing would have just been preposterous amounts of tape that in no way shape or form existed at that point in time.

    Without those millions of witnesses, it would become exponentially harder to prove its authenticity, it is those very few facts that clearly put this one into the reality category. Every bit as solidly as the authenticity of demolition of building 7
    Last edited by FBD; 04-02-2015 at 04:48 PM.

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    this is why you didnt hear him breathing

    listen to how quiet the pilot's speaking voice is in comparison to the background noise

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    also - they supposedly found the FDR 8 days ago, and said the memory chip was missing (impossible)

    now, "oh, we found the FDR" .....wait, what? wtf? well, which is it, now?

    The development came as the second black box from the airliner was found. Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said in a news conference that the recorder was "completely blackened." The flight data recorder contains information such as the time, altitude, speed and direction of the aircraft. The cockpit voice recorder was found soon after the crash.
    dated 4/2

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    in german, talking about plummeting lufthansa shares....what day did this happen, again? lol

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