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Thread: STAR TREK DISCOVERY Discussion Thread *Beware Spoilers*

  1. #586
    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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    The only way that I could even possibly be interested in season 3 of this show is, if they do try and launch Discovery into the future, and somehow that fails and only Michael is sent to the future never to be heard from again and Saru assumes command of the Discovery. But if the writers insist on making every episode The Michael Burnham Power Hour, then there's no way I could put myself through another season of this.

  2. #587
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh One Who Knocks View Post
    The only way that I could even possibly be interested in season 3 of this show is...
    ...if Burnham captains the Discovery and since she has to do everything, during the next jump she royally fucks up the spore drive calculations and pummels the ship right into a large M-class planet.

    Just before that happens Saru and a few others (NOT BURNHAM) eject from the ship in life pods and we spend season three watching them grow as a crew and as friends

  3. #588
    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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  4. #589
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    The leftover crew of the Discovery is finally found months later and when questioned, Spock raises an eyebrow and says directly into the camera, "Michael Who?"

    *smashcut to 60's version of Star Trek closing theme featuring happy little bongos and nifty orchestral score*

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    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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  8. #591
    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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    Here's another question - where TF did all those shuttles/pods come from?

    I've read from varying sources (because I don't think it's really stated definitively anywhere) that a Constitution class starship like the Enterprise can carry between 4 and 6 shuttlecrafts on board. There were approximately 9834679524367925876938467 tiny ships around the Discovery and Enterprise as they were readying for the Section 31 ships to arrive.

  9. #592
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh One Who Knocks View Post
    Here's another question - where TF did all those shuttles/pods come from?

    I've read from varying sources (because I don't think it's really stated definitively anywhere) that a Constitution class starship like the Enterprise can carry between 4 and 6 shuttlecrafts on board. There were approximately 9834679524367925876938467 tiny ships around the Discovery and Enterprise as they were readying for the Section 31 ships to arrive.
    You're off by a couple with your number there

    I have no idea. They create these huge setpieces in space and most of them are pretty good. Then the insane writing takes over and it always feels out of step with what we're seeing onscreen.

  10. #593
    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal-9000 View Post
    You're off by a couple with your number there

    I have no idea. They create these huge setpieces in space and most of them are pretty good. Then the insane writing takes over and it always feels out of step with what we're seeing onscreen.
    That's why I said approximately

  11. #594
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Don't have many comments about the finale.

    It was like watching a sci-fi movie with a huge setpiece near the end, and I didn't really care how it turned out.

    The 'key' point about Burnham discovering she has to return to each red angel point seemed idiotic as usual. She just visited each moment in time to...hang there and look?

    I am glad they retconned Discovery right out of existence and moved the ship 900 years away from the regular Trek timeline the Enterprise exists in. That said, I didn't like the explanation or rationale used. "If you talk about the ship, Burnham or the spore drive you will be court martialed."

    Why couldn't they make that rule at the BEGINNING of the season??

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  13. #595
    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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    As I called it in the 'Last TV Show You Watched' thread, this was Star Wars, not Star Trek.

    One thing that has bothered me about this show a lot has been, every time there has been a dire emergency when mere seconds could mean the difference between life and death, it always seems that's the time the characters on the show decide that's the best time to have a long and drawn out heart to heart talk and that the immense danger just seem so dangerous anymore. It's beyond stupid.

    A lot of things to really nitpick about the episode, but how about some major things? So, a blast door, with a window no less, can withstand the point blank explosion of a photon torpedo but about a 1/3 of that section of the entire ship can't? Why not just make the entire hull out of whatever that blast door was made of? Wouldn't even need shields then. And was it just me or did that photon torpedo look WAY out of scale to the rest of the ship in the exterior shots? And how were they able to breathe in that room, where coincidentally they had easy access to the control unit in that torpedo, if it had pierced right through the hull and several decks? Shouldn't that have been a massive hull breach meaning there was no usable life support in that section?

    The only way that Tilly is able to repair the shields is with her eyes closed. Because she did it before when she was in school?

    Tyler/Voq is made head of Section 31?

    As you mentioned Hal, the whole thing about Burnham having to go back in time to send the signals from that point in time before the suit could go forward in time? WTF? How does that even make sense? Even in the convoluted world of Discovery-type sci-fi?

    For Spock and Burnham to leave the Discovery bay, Spock said that they needed to have the shields lowered for something like 3.5 seconds (I don't remember the exact time, but it was a very short window). And in those 3.5 seconds, Leland was able to realize that Discovery lowered her aft shields, get to a transporter room, plot the coordinates of a moving starship, and beam himself onto the Discovery? All before the shields went back up?

    Spock telling Michael "I love you", in Vulcan no less.

    The whole battle with the 98436793548739458789749387 shuttles that a starship can somehow carry on board and then the added fighters from Kaminar and THEN all the remote control ships that seemed to detach from the hull of one of the Section 31 ships was all Star Wars. That was absolutely ridiculous. And the cherry on top? Those stupid repair droids that emerged from Enterprise's hull to make repairs on the ship.

    The whole fight scene(s) with Georgiou, Leland, and Nhan was waaaaaaaaay too long and drawn out. And the dialog? Cringe-worthy. When Georgiou said something along the lines of telling Leland that she was looking forward to killing him and make him scream and Nhan interjected with, "yum, yum."

    The retcon job at the end where now we just pretend that Burnham, the Discovery, the spore drive, none of it ever existed because Spock comes up with some new regulation of the top of his head when the crew members of the Enterprise were being interrogated by Starfleet. So who started the Klingon war then? What about all the other crew members from Discovery? Did they just scrub the records of everyone who ever served aboard her? All this was done was to placate the people that bitched about this show not being Star Trek and certainly not being canon even though CBS swore up and down that it was. It was sloppy and rushed and above all, stupid and insulting.

    There were still some good things in the episode too that I kinda liked. When Burnham tried to rush Reno on getting the time crystal charged and Reno said to the effect "And violate the basic laws of Physics? Yeah, no."

    I like at the end when Spock showed up on the bridge of the Enterprise and went over to his station, and even though it was way more 'futuristic' than the bridge on TOS, it still had his viewport that he would look through when scanning things and they even had that one screen with the optical illusion looking thing. And even some of the buttons look the same on the panel. I will give them that, even though they went too futuristic looking with the Enterprise interior (IMHO), they did have a fairly good attention to detail and I appreciated that.

    And now let me get to the biggest plot hole (to me) of the entire season. The whole reason to fling Discovery into the future was so that Control couldn't get hold of the sphere data. But Georgiou killed Leland/Control making that effort moot. They didn't need to go into the future at that point because Control was neutralized. Then why go? Ohhhhhh, that's right, so you can make season 3 about Discovery being 1,000 years in the future and you can do whatever you want and tell all Star Trek fans to just suck it. Yeah, this show was a great 'prequel' series. If they wanted license to do whatever they wanted and say screw it to all the canon, then why not just set the show in the future in the first place FFS?

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    A couple of other random musings...

    Okay, if the whole basic idea for going into the future, why was Discovery still getting ready to go to the future when Leland was on board? I don't remember anyone telling the rest of the crew that he had been neutralized? Sloppy writing

    And with Georgiou still on the Discovery when it went into the future, and that trip was a one way ride, how is she supposed to be on the Section 31 spin-off show?

    Want to make a show I would really want to watch? Make a prequel show with Pike, Spock, Number One, and the rest of the Enterprise crew. They would have ≈ 10 years of missions (give or take) before Kirk took command of the Enterprise and the TOS time begins. They could call it something simple like Star Trek: The Five Year Mission. Now that show I would watch because Pike is the best character on the show and I think I could learn to like the 'new' Spock, especially without the Burnham horseshit going on.

  15. #597
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    I'll be back later to read and comment on your thoughts.

    Yeah it's pretty bad when the biggest reveal seemed to be a clean shaven Spock at the end of the episode

  16. #598
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  17. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh One Who Knocks View Post
    As I called it in the 'Last TV Show You Watched' thread, this was Star Wars, not Star Trek.

    That was an inspired post Where to start...

    Regarding the torpedo your question about constructing the ship out of the blast door material is pretty common on the net right now. Like black box material for planes. I believe there's supposed to be a force field that deploys when the decks get damaged, so that may be the reason they could breath in there.

    ***interesting aside*** Have you ever noticed in movies or TV that decks 9 and 10 always get hit and lose life support? FFS just make decks 8 to 11 and stop those unnecessary deaths

    The torpedo didn't explode so I guess we're supposed to buy it just lodged into the hull. They had no shields at all during those moments?

    My whole take on the torpedo scene is I lost interest right when they say something like - I have to stand here and do this manually. And it's an admiral. And talk about timing in that scene. "We only have 60 seconds! So let's talk about our relationship, how things are at home, some of your hopes and dreams for the future"....

    Everything else you've said from Tilly to Ash I agree with.

    The dialog was cringe worthy and my podcasting buddies who generally support the show brought up the same exchange as you did above

    Spock's station was just pandering in my opinion. Nice to see it again but I read something about the writers blatantly using anything they could from the original series in between seasons one and two and they did it specifically to attract/pacify fans of the past Trek series.

    What I got from the entirety of season two is something the podcaster guy touched on without outright damning the entire season. They created a story and kept having to retcon ideas throughout because of the various corners they had written themselves into. The finale wrapped things up with a bow, but it was a messy and obvious bow.

    Like how an entire crew would agree to never speak of a whole other entire crew and ship...including Spock. Who really isn't good with the lying bits.

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  19. #600
    transracial Hal-9000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh One Who Knocks View Post
    A couple of other random musings...

    Okay, if the whole basic idea for going into the future, why was Discovery still getting ready to go to the future when Leland was on board? I don't remember anyone telling the rest of the crew that he had been neutralized? Sloppy writing

    And with Georgiou still on the Discovery when it went into the future, and that trip was a one way ride, how is she supposed to be on the Section 31 spin-off show?

    Want to make a show I would really want to watch? Make a prequel show with Pike, Spock, Number One, and the rest of the Enterprise crew. They would have ≈ 10 years of missions (give or take) before Kirk took command of the Enterprise and the TOS time begins. They could call it something simple like Star Trek: The Five Year Mission. Now that show I would watch because Pike is the best character on the show and I think I could learn to like the 'new' Spock, especially without the Burnham horseshit going on.
    The entire show is rife with sloppy writing. I don't even scratch the surface here with my complaints about logistics and when they forget 'facts' from past episodes (or five minutes ago).

    The entire premise of the season just folded in upon itself when Burnham had to revisit points that guided Discovery to killing Control. If you boiled all of that crap down, each point was 'justified' by adding a certain person or element to the show. They needed Reno, they needed Po etc.

    When really, as you noted, Control was ended in the current time frame and there was no need to jump everywhere. Or more simply put - If Burnham really did travel to all of those points to enlist/gather the needed people and elements to fight Control...wouldn't she already somehow know it?

    And parts like her Mom and Dad dying. The show itself mentioned her Mom's body was there beside her dead father. Are they going to retcon that too and say future Mom came back one last time to really die in the exact same moment Burnham first thought they died? Arrrggggh...

    Yes, remove the Burnham horseshit and create an interesting and viable series. The material (pre-Enterprise) is a golden gift for new writers! Everything is there just waiting to be used.

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