From another story that was written right after the incident:

I’m sure you’re wondering the the same thing I am: what exactly was the “cylindrical object” the man was holding when he got out of his car? What would someone want to smuggle into the secretive research facility? The vague way the object has been described in both the press statement and news reports is rather curious. Was this an attempt at sabotage? A foreign intelligence operation gone wrong? Or did the man take a wrong turn fleeing Area 51 with some type of exotic alien material?

While it’s much more probable the object was an empty can of Icehouse or a flashlight, the lack of details released to the public so far leaves the imagination free to wander. Even if this happens to be a case of bad decision making due to mental illness or intoxication, it highlights the deadly seriousness of the many “No Trespassing” signs surrounding Area 51 and other secretive research sites in America’s deserts. No grainy cellphone photo of alleged alien technology or an experimental black triangular drone is worth risking your life.

But seriously: what was the mysterious “cylindrical object” the man was carrying? Why was he trying to get into such a heavily guarded facility? Does this have anything to do with the other Area 51-related revelation this week about secret ‘motherships’ possibly being tested at the site?