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Thread: The societal impacts of COVID-19

  1. #151
    Shelter Dweller In Training Placid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lost in melb. View Post
    My Korean girlfriend's gonna make me one. An original
    Just remember - NO DICKNOSE! when you wear it!

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    New ad campaign in my state

    Last edited by lost in melb.; 07-26-2020 at 02:07 AM.

  4. #153
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    Bitch Man allegedly pepper-sprayed for not wearing facial covering, eating in restricted area

    Mimi Elkalla - ABC 10 News San Diego

    SAN DIEGO (KGTV)- A trip to a dog park in Ocean Beach ended in a hospital visit for one San Diego couple.

    “I want her to go to jail, she assaulted my husband, and I’m angry about it,” said Ash O’Brien.

    Obrien said she and her husband were at Dusty Rhodes Dog Park in Ocean Beach Thursday afternoon with their three-month-old puppy. They sat at a picnic table and began enjoying a meal when a woman reportedly confronted them for not wearing facial coverings and eating at the park where there is a no food policy.

    The confrontation ended with O’Brien’s husband being pepper-sprayed by the woman.

    “If we knew there was a no food policy, we wouldn’t have brought it into the park,” said O’Brien. “The lady who maced him automatically started saying stuff about us not wearing a mask when we were social distancing; there was no one near us.”

    O’Brien said that after exchanging words, the woman walked away from the picnic table but returned after a few minutes and did the unexpected.

    “She just came up without saying anything and just stuck the mace can right in front of my face,” said O’Brien.

    “My husband, being a good guy, walked in front of her and was like ‘hey calm down please don’t do this’ and then she grabbed him and just starting macing him, she used the entire can on him.”

    “We drove to the hospital, he got treated and everything,” said O’Brien.

    O’Brien said the pepper spray got on her arms and started to burn, while her husband was sprayed in the face.

    A witness captured part of the incident on camera and told ABC 10News she was shocked at what she was seeing. She recorded the woman’s license plate number.

    The couple filed a police report with the San Diego Police Department. The department confirmed they took a misdemeanor battery report but could not immediately provide further details.

    O’Brien was thankful none of the dogs at the park were injured by the pepper spray and wants the woman to be held accountable for the incident.

    “People don’t need to be getting assaulted for not wearing a mask in a public outdoor area,” she said.

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  6. #154
    aka TheInvisibleMan Griffin's Avatar
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    I wonder why a park with a no food policy has picnic tables?

  7. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin View Post
    I wonder why a park with a no food policy has picnic tables?
    They have them at the couple of dog parks near me. They're just there so you can sit down and let your dog(s) go play with other dogs.

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    #DeSantis2024 Teh One Who Knocks's Avatar
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    Do you eat food EVERY SINGLE TIME you sit down at an outdoor table?

  10. #158
    aka TheInvisibleMan Griffin's Avatar
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    well they are the perfect height to bend a slut over...

  11. #159
    Mr Magoo RBP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin View Post
    well they are the perfect height to bend a slut over...
    I would have gone with "bitch" since it's a dog park
    I wanted to be a Monk, but I never got the chants.

  12. #160
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    Obvious Domestic violence soared during coronavirus in NYC, experts say

    By Gabrielle Fonrouge - New York Post

    Met Council senior director Nechama Bakst

    At the height of New York’s coronavirus lockdown, domestic violence in the five boroughs skyrocketed, data show.

    When the pandemic first laid siege, experts predicted that mandatory lockdowns and soaring unemployment would cause a rise in household abuse, and figures now bear them out — with domestic-violence reports at some agencies doubling and even tripling in the past few months.

    “We’ve never been busier,’’ lamented Nechama Bakst, senior director of the Met Council’s family-violence program.

    “We have seen people who never experienced violence starting to experience violence, and people who have experienced violence experience worse violence.’’

    Typically, the non-profit gets about 70 new cases a month — but in April, they juggled 135, another 145 in May and 146 more in June, the organization said.

    “We see more choking, more sexual violence, kind of much more intense and serious acts of crime,’’ the director said.

    At Sanctuary for Families, which also works with survivors, there was a similar increase in calls to its helpline.

    In May, the group received 206 calls, compared to 102 for the month the year before. In June, calls more than tripled, with 259 compared to 73 last year.

    “Domestic violence is fundamentally about power and control,” said Dorchen Leidholdt, director of SFF’s Legal Center. “The coronavirus pandemic gave abusers a powerful tool of control because their victims were in much closer proximity to them, 24/7 in many cases, and had less access to sources of support and assistance.’’

    In many cases, the pandemic became just one more tool in a perpetrator’s arsenal, experts said.

    Some abusers would withhold personal protective equipment from their victims so it wouldn’t be safe to leave home. In other cases, if an abuser ended up catching the coronavirus, they would shame and blame their partner for it or become physically violent, advocates said.

    Some would also refuse to social distance or wash their hands — and then “taunt” their victims about it in a way that made them “feel unsafe,” Bakst said.

    Dorchen Leidholdt, director of Sanctuary for Families

    One abuser warned a victim, “You better watch your back … because the courts are closed, so you can’t do anything,” said SFF — which helped the person in need get an order of protection.

    High unemployment brought on by the virus only compounded the situation because abusers are more physically violent — and likely to kill — when they’re out of work, experts said.

    “It was a twin tsunami,’’ Leidholdt said. “On the one hand, abusers were unemployed, angry and more abusive than ever with more access to their victims than ever. … And then victims were more economically dependent than ever before.’’

    Amid the lockdowns, the abused were trapped inside with their perpetrators all day, forcing some to hide in their bathrooms in the dead of night so they could whisper frantic pleas for help into their phones as their abusers slept, said David Greenfield, the Met Council’s CEO.

    In response, both the SFF and Met Council created a text-based helpline for victims, which was a much safer way to communicate.

    The experts noted that the most dangerous moment for a victim is when they’re trying to leave their abuser, which is why most escapes are carried out when the attackers are out of the house.

    With coronavirus stay-at-home orders in place, fleeing became more difficult and thus more dangerous — making “situations that are already bad … exponentially worse,” Greenfield told The Post.

    In one case, a woman and her children were in a “highly, highly dangerous” situation with an abuser who kept weapons in the home, Bakst said.

    The torment against the victims escalated amid the pandemic, and the woman asked the Met Council for help getting her and her kids out.

    “We figured out a time of day, it was literally 15 minutes that she had where she was not being watched,” Bakst recalled.

    “And in those 15 minutes, we coordinated a way to get her to a place where she can get out and get to safety.”

    Still, for many victims, reaching out is never easy — and became even harder amid the pandemic, advocates said.

    There was one woman who said she was too scared to call 911 because she was concerned police officers would give her coronavirus, Bakst said.

    “Seeking help outside the home was more difficult than ever because the courts were operating virtually, there was a period when the NYPD was dealing with its own coronavirus crisis, and we did not see the same level of responsiveness when a survivor called 911,” Leidholdt added.

    “The only way to get help is the telephone, and using a telephone when you’re in close quarters with an abuser [is nearly impossible].”

    When victims did get a chance to call for help, they used “codes” devised with their case worker to discreetly communicate whether the offender was around.

    “If someone starts giving us directions to the mall, that was code for, like, ‘I gotta go’ without saying ‘I gotta go, he’s here,’ ” Bakst explained.

    Met Council CEO & Executive Director David Greenfield

    “For some people it’s ‘I got to put dinner in the oven’ — and that means to the social worker, ‘FYI he’s here.’ ”

    For abusers used to targeting vulnerable people, a global pandemic perfectly set the stage for increased exploitation, Leidholdt said.

    “Abusers tend to be serial perpetrators. They seek out vulnerable victims and take advantage of victim’s vulnerability, and the coronavirus pandemic significantly increased the vulnerability of women and children in particular in New York City,” she said.

    “It increased their vulnerability economically, it increased their vulnerability in terms of public health, it increased their vulnerability in what is a really very terrifying environment where venturing out unprotected can lead to illness and even death,” the advocate went on.

    “Abusers take advantage of those kinds of situations, they use them, and they exploit them to increase their power and control over victims.”

    At times, Leidholdt and her team found themselves “fairly overwhelmed by the need” of domestic violence survivors amid the pandemic, she said.

    “Even though we had the help of eight large law firms, we got more calls and clients in need of assistance than in key moments we were able to assist,” Leidholdt recalled.

    Ultimately, no one was turned away, but the nonprofit gets “many more referrals” than they have the capacity to assist, shining a light on the need for increased services for domestic violence victims, staff said.

    The coronavirus pandemic has plunged the Big Apple billions of dollars into the red, and many programs for domestic violence survivors have been cut in the FY2021 budget, fiscal reports show. The cuts include programs that support survivors post-victimization and funding for various district attorney’s offices that allow for improved prosecution, even as crimes related to domestic violence such as murder, rape and assault have increased, reports show.

    Funding for domestic violence programs under the Human Resources Administration was cut by nearly $1 million, the biggest decrease it has faced in years, reports show.

    While Leidholdt said the cuts could’ve been a lot worse, funding wasn’t enough even before the pandemic.

    “Certainly this isn’t new, but we see it more during the time of the coronavirus pandemic. There is a much greater need for legal services, for clinical services, for economic empowerment services and for shelter services than currently exists. For all of these services, there are wait lists,” Leidholdt said.

    “The sad reality is, they are not remotely adequate.”

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    Obvious CDC Director: Threat Of Suicide, Drugs, Flu To Youth ‘Far Greater’ Than Covid

    By Amanda Prestigiacomo - The Daily Wire

    During a Buck Institute Webinar streamed on July 14, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield promoted the general reopening of schools, highlighting the low coronavirus risk for children without preexisting conditions and the unfortunate spike in suicides and drug overdoses, which Redfield said are “far greater” in number than COVID-linked deaths in the young.

    “It’s not risk of school openings versus public health. It’s public health versus public health,” asserted Redfield.

    “I’m of the point of view, and I weigh that equation as an individual that has 11 grandchildren that the greater risk is actually to the nation to keep these schools closed,” he continued.

    Redfield said that over 7 million children get mental health services from their school, “a lot of people get food and nutrition in schools,” and added that schools are vital “in terms of mandatory reporting sexual and child abuse.”

    “Obviously, the socialization is important,” he said. “And, obviously, for some kids, I think actually a majority of kids, their learning in a face-to-face school is the most effective method of teaching.”

    The reopening, Redfield underscored, “has to be done safely, and it has to be done with the confidence of the teachers. It has to be done with the confidence of parents. And so I think each of the school districts will begin to wrestle with this.”

    Speaking of the risks of the China-originated coronavirus to children, Redfield said data shows the flu is some five to 10 times more deadly, adding that the odds of a child dying a COVID-linked death is “one in a million.”

    “I think it is important to try to be factual as we go through this,” the CDC director said. “When we look at, right now, the mortality of this particular COVID virus, in the first almost 218,000 people we looked at February to July, there was 52 individuals under the age of 18. And if I recollect, about 35 were actually school age. Some of them were younger than school age. We’re looking critically at those individuals. And, you know, clearly, there’s an increase in comorbidities related to significant medical conditions…”

    “But I think that’s important because what that means, actually, is the risk per 100,000, so far, you know, into the outbreak, six months into it, is, in fact, that we’re looking at about .1 per 100,000. So another way to say that, it’s one in a million,” Redfield said in reference to the death rate among children.

    “Now, I’m not trying to belittle that, I’m just trying to make sure we look at it proportional,” he said. “Because if you do the same thing for influenza deaths for school-age children over the last five years, they’re anywhere from five to 10 times greater.”

    “So I want people to understand the risk properly as they make that decision. And, obviously, influenza, we also benefit from having therapy and a vaccine. So I don’t want people to overestimate the risk of serious illness to individuals that are school age,” Redfield advised.

    “That said, there is a real risk to vulnerable individuals that are teachers, potentially, that may have comorbidities,” he added. “And, obviously, there are some students that have a comorbidity.”

    According to, “The risk of complications for healthy children is higher for flu compared to COVID-19. However, infants and children with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for both flu and COVID-19.”

    The CDC director then discussed the social tradeoff of the shutdown, particularly for our youths.

    “But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools,” he said. “We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”

    “So this is why I keep coming back for the overall social being of individuals,” he continued, “is let’s all work together and find out how we can find common ground to get these schools open in a way that people are comfortable and their safe. And if there is a need for investment and resources, just like there is a need for some of the underprivileged children that are probably better served if they have certain comorbidities to do homeschooling, they need the access to be able to have the computer and the internet to do that.”

    “The goal is to get all these kids back into education,” concluded Redfield. “I’d like to see the goal being face-to-face education, five days a week, as when we get there, then we’ve got there for those children that don’t have an underlying significant comorbidity that would preclude it. And, hopefully, the states and the federal government will work together to see that the resources to get these schools fully operational come to bear.”

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    Floriduh Man accused of firing gun in hotel lobby over lack of social distancing

    By Kenneth Garger - New York Post

    A Florida man was arrested for allegedly firing a gun inside the lobby of a Miami Beach hotel in response to a family flouting social distancing norms, a report said.

    Douglas Marks, 29, is accused of squeezing off the rounds at the Crystal Beach Suites on Monday night, the Miami Herald reported, citing police.

    Marks confronted a mother-son duo sitting on a lobby couch and told them, “You all aren’t social distancing,” according to an arrest report obtained by the paper.

    The mother, Veronica Pena, and her son ignored Marks and remained in place, the report said.

    Marks then allegedly said “Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions,” before firing several shots. It’s unclear who Marks was speaking to.

    Nobody was injured in the shooting, which Marks admitted to, but claimed to fire “four warning shots” because he was being followed by somebody, the paper reported.

    Marks was hit with several weapons charges.

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    Rape Culture

    So do any of you guys actually wear this mask shit?

    I was watching the weirdness in China in November. I had my n95 ready to go in early December as I was watching things unfold in Wuhan. But then, a curious thing happened as it "continued to spread all over the world"...we had a curious absence of pandemic videos in places like liveleak, bestgore, 4chan, etc. There were videos from China, but then once China closed up, the videos mostly stopped, and from the rest of the world? We got mostly nurse tiktok videos of them doing stupid dance routines.

    I also saw the Indian scientists upload that paper highlighting the HIV segment in this sumbich, and the bioarxiv admins pulled it down and tried saying the authors retracted it, when they totally didnt.

    So that 2+2 made sense for why it was so deadly in Wuhan, Italy, and Iran where they had the outbreaks - all 3 of those locations had tuberculosis outbreaks that preceded the arrival of coronachan. Ya dig on HIV related deaths and find out that something like 40% of all HIV related deaths have TB, its a particularly bad combination.

    Then I watched the absolute insanity of war criminal politicians give the order to send corona patients into fkn nursing homes. The least they could have done was gotten my aunt Nancy and give Unc a break, if they were going to whack people in nursing homes! The # dead in nursing homes is off the wall, I want to see Cuomo and all these other assholes get charged with war crimes and face the death penalty for issuing and enforcing those orders, they are all responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. We had >80% in NYC, >80% in Canada, % of nursing home deaths as a % of total. THAT is complete fkn bullshit and people's heads should roll for it. Even Sweden, that touted its great response, >50% of the death totals there, from fkn nursing homes.

    Right when all this info was starting to come to light, then we have the race riots kick off to stop people from noticing this? Its ok to participate in riots, got the CDC and insane docs telling us its ok to go riot oh wait I mean peacefully protest in a destructive manner, but dont go to church or have any gatherings cuz you might get wagged.

    This is #1 bullshit, its all to try and force an all mail in ballot situation, that's literally the only hope in hell the democrats have of winning this election and trying to prevent the inevitable.

    I proudly do not wear a mask, I've only been tossed out of that stupid hoity toity pet store (and I told them they just lost me, all my friends and family as customers for being idiot sheep)...and most of the comments have been positive, with one lady telling me she was jealous I wasnt wearing a mask

    Imagine discarding eons of conventional wisdom, that flu season is an actual thing!

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  17. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by FBD View Post
    So do any of you guys actually wear this mask shit?
    I have yet to wear a mask, the whole thing is a scam. It's about compliance, not protection. Anyone with an 8th grade education knows that a cloth mask is not going to stop something as small as a virus.

    However, I need to take my wife to the doctor for a minor medical procedure next week, so I am almost for sure going to be required to wear one, which I will, but only because I need to take care of my wife, not because of the state mandate here in Colorado. But I made sure to get one that will piss off/antagonize people the most:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh One Who Knocks View Post
    I have yet to wear a mask, the whole thing is a scam. It's about compliance, not protection. Anyone with an 8th grade education knows that a cloth mask is not going to stop something as small as a virus.

    However, I need to take my wife to the doctor for a minor medical procedure next week, so I am almost for sure going to be required to wear one, which I will, but only because I need to take care of my wife, not because of the state mandate here in Colorado. But I made sure to get one that will piss off/antagonize people the most:
    bahahaha, nice, one of my favs said "This is a mind control device"

    and cloth masks, lol....are basically like trying to keep out mosquitoes with a chain link fence

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