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Thread: Shadowgate

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    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    Gotcha! Shadowgate
    The obamagate scandal only scratches the surface...The #ShadowNet was created as a way for private contractors to have unfettered access to raw NSA internet data. This technology was used against Trump via steele dossier and interactive internet activity (IIA) aka influence operations.

    Establishment politicians on both sides were involved with the coverup.
    >- The first 2 minutes gives you a good overview of the information provided in the full video and names the ppl and organizations discussed and their role in the anti-Trump coup.

    >- The two whitleblowers are Bergy, an IT expert who helped created the software for General Jones and Tore who was hired by John Brennan to provide concepts for “localization” - theories for definitions and selection of the potential target (individuals, groups, countries) and what key information would be needed to “get inside their head” and work with algorithms to develop the software and control these individuals.

    >- What is called “ShadownNet” is/was a commercialized software from a tax-payer-funded military psywar project using Interactive Internet Activities (IIA). The goal is the collection of detailed personal data about everyone; including weak points, triggers and fears that will allow “war fighters” to manipulate any targeted individual/groups using this information. (@ 6min ~47sec)

    >- Fake news, dossier etc all attributes of IIA. (@5min 34sec)

    >General James Jones (company Dynology) was in charge of the project and once it was working, arranged to maintain the rights to market it as ShadowNet.

    >- This development of “behavioral profiles” was used to manipulate the voters in the election in Afghanistan for example.

    >- The massive collection of US personal data by NSA was arranged by the then Director Gen Michael Hayden (has been reported by Bill Binney and colleagues = Global surveillance whistleblowers).

    >- Brennan authorized Snowden to create a “bridge” between the NSA’s internet data flow and send to private servers that belonged to his company, so every piece of information collected by NSA was also sent to Brennan & Jones for Shadownet & associated companies.

    >- John Brennan and his network of companies helped Obama get elected using this “Internet Influence Operations”strategy. The video contains good info on the different companies involved.

    >Ppl named include General Jones and his son, Jim Jones, Gen Hayden, Gen McChrystal, John Brennan & “redacted” who may or may not be Admiral McRaven.

    >- Discusses changes to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 that had previously banned Govt propaganda in the US (allowed other countries) now allowed social media influence – IIA. (@32min)

    >- The most recent version is Clearforce and individuals and groups “monitored” include Journalists, entire news organizations, Senators, congressmen & probably everyone else…

    >- discuss role of cell phones & use of IIA in riots – Bergy talks about IIA source traced to Ukraine in BLM/Michael Brown riots.

    >- “kei stone” discussed. According to Tore Brennan’s SOP is claim a hack but have a contractor download the data he wants removed so it can be replaced with new or modified files later.

    >Is the Kei stone is the original data?

    >So, lots of interesting information here. As experts in IIA I expect we’ll see major IIA efforts to discredit this video. Will be interesting.

    >A couple of links:

    >1: “A Democrat-aligned political action committee is planning to deploy technology initially developed to counter terrorist propaganda to combat President Trump’s campaign messages about the coronavirus…” (McChrystal)


    >2:An earlier article by MillenialMillie with a ~ 30 min video talking about corrupt Inspector Generals (more detail here)

    Flashback: Maxine Waters Confirms Obama Has ‘Database’ with ‘Information on Every Individual’
    J. Scott Applewhite/AP
    Allum Bokhari19 Mar 2018718

    Earlier today, we reported on a former staffer for Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign who admitted that the campaign had harvested mass amounts of Facebook data for targeted campaigning. In a 2013 interview, California congresswoman Maxine Waters revealed that Barack Obama possessed a “kind of database that no-one has ever seen before,” with “information about everything, on every individual.”

    Waters confirmed that the database was linked to Organizing For America (now Organizing for Action), the 501(c)4 “community organizing” network that was built on the back of Obama’s presidential campaigns.

    As we reported earlier today, Obama’s 2012 media analytics director, Carol Davidsen, who oversaw the campaign’s data operations said they were able to “suck out the whole social graph” from Facebook during the 2012 campaign, allowing them to access the friend networks of every American user.

    “[Facebook] came to [our] office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side” admitted Davidsen.

    In a series of tweets, Davidsen that Facebook was “surprised” that the Obama campaign was able to “suck out the entire social graph” (the “social graph” is an individual’s network of friends on Facebook), but did nothing to stop them once they found out.
    @ 1hr 14min - using Shadownet in the DC courts to select juries who will give the desired conviction.

    Also as mentioned in the OP video Obama’s first NSA, Gen Jones, came straight from being chairman of The Atlantic Council (hello Burisma!) and now is on the board of a shady private contractor that builds behavioral profiles called Clearforce:
    Clearforce has since 404'd their board of directors page, not sure what state its in at present, but I went there and saw him there, and screenshots exist.

    And now for the most pathetic denial the derpstate could possibly muster to send out (just for the lols because it is THAT pathetic)

    figured this different enough from Q to warrant its own thread, although....well a bunch of these threads wind up overlapping, cuz, ya know...

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    lost in melb. (08-24-2020)

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    Interesting, would like to read more *

    *in THIS thread tho

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    FBD (08-24-2020)

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    Here's another one of the corrupt

    NSA Chief Who Oversaw Sweeping Domestic Phone Surveillance Joins Amazon Board As Director

    Just days after Amazon published a scathing letter slamming President Trump for not allowing the American multinational tech company to get the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, which instead was awarded to Microsoft, Amazon's board has just appointed former NSA head and retired general of the US Army Keith B. Alexander as a director.

    Alexander will also serve on the board's audit committee, according to Bloomberg on Wednesday. The company which has long faced criticism and scrutiny over its deep CIA ties and collaboration, especially given its prior $600 million contract with the CIA for cloud computing services, will now have a well-known national security state hawk who was commander of US Cyber Command from May 2010 to March 2014.

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    James Mattis will also be on the receiving end of a military tribunal

    Last edited by FBD; 09-10-2020 at 03:04 PM.

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    unedited FBD's Avatar
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    relevant for all of these threads

    disinformation = "correcting the record" and "defeating disinformation" (which is anything we want not to be true)

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